[ Chapter 18 ]

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Riley had been out of the apartment a few times, but only for short moments. Most times, she was carried so quickly to their destination and back home that she could barely comprehend that she even left.

So it wasn't a surprise when they finally left the apartment, and Riley was taking her time getting used to all of her new surroundings. In a way, it was an eye-opener for Colby and Rebecca, because the simplest things to them were completely new to Riley.

She would point out street lights, and things in different stores window displays. When they waited for the subway, and she heard the thunderous noise getting closer, she clung onto Colby's legs and begged to be lifted up by him.

However, once they were inside, and the subway began to move, Riley was absolutely enthralled. She watched the surroundings zoom by as they tried to play 'I spy' with little to no avail.

When they made it to the field, Colby had to part ways with the girls to get changed, he ruffled Riley's hair and squeezed Rebecca's hand before leaving. Rebecca picked up the little girl and began walking up the bleachers to find a good spot.

"Are you excited to see your dad play?" Rebecca squeezed Riley as the little girl fought off some shivers in her oversized hoodie Colby provided.

"Yes!" Her little voice was a squeak compared to all of the noise being made from everyone else.

The game got started, and Rebecca pointed out Colby to Riley, so the little girl could watch him play. She ended up snuggling really closely to Rebecca, trying to hide from the night's cold breeze. She held onto Riley and rubbed her back, in hopes of keeping her warm.

Meanwhile, Colby walked off of the field to take his break while somebody subbed in for him. He sat down on the bench, spraying his water into his mouth, as he scanned the stands for the girls.

His game started off rough, while he was still shaking away his episode from earlier, but thankfully it wore off. He could thank the adrenaline and excessive exercise, but he knew it was because of Rebecca.  

"Who you looking for?" Colby turned to see Jonathan sitting next to him.

"Uh, Rebecca." He responded carefully, not knowing where the conversation would go.

"Ah, the hot redhead. You're really attached to her, eh?" Jonathan threw his arms over the back of the bench. "What's up with that?"

"We're helping each other out for exams." Colby looked over at him.

"It's not just that, Colby." He rolled his eyes, "Even when I'm drunk, it's obvious you have the hots for her."

"It's not- I mean sure it could play a part." Colby sighed, "It's been a couple of months, and I already feel like she knows me better than anyone else. And for once in my life, I'm not forcing this connection. I'm not trying to keep it alive when it's already dead."

"You know I love you, man." Jonathan patted him on his back before getting ready to be put on the field again. "I only want what's best for you."

Colby nodded and watched Jonathan put on his helmet. "After the whole Sarah situation, you were really crushed. I just don't wanna see that happen to you again."

"Something tells me it won't." He smiled as his eyes finally found Rebecca cradling his daughter.

When the clock finally ran out, Colby's team remained victorious. Waves of people from the stands ran onto the field. As he walked across the field, Colby saw people running left and right reuniting with their friends and partners.

The blurs of people didn't distract him, especially when he saw the two girls waiting for him by the sidelines, Rebecca holding Riley close. Though his body was tired and protesting the extra walk, he couldn't have been happier to see them standing there for him.

He moved forward and dropped his helmet from his hands, wrapping his arms around them. "Thank you for coming."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Rebecca smiled, readjusting a half-asleep Riley.

"Come home with me?" He looked at her as he stepped back, seeing her nod.

"Uncle Joe!" Riley perked her head up slightly.

"Hey, tiny one." He ruffled her hair, "Hi Rebecca."

Rebecca replied, "Hey Joseph, nice to see you again."

He smiled at her before looking at Riley and raising an eyebrow. "How the hell did you convince him to let her out?"

"Bad word!" Riley pointed at Joseph, and he rummaged through his pocket and then wallet, handing her a dollar.

"Normally, you're making your money off of Jon, not me." He shook his head and laughed, "Go to sleep."

She took the money gingerly before sticking her tongue out at him and placing the side of her face back on Rebecca's shoulder. "It took some convincing, but he came around."

Joseph smirked with a nod, "Interesting."

"Not that kind of convincing." Rebecca laughed and shook her head.

"Well, I mean, maybe it's because you're responsible." Joseph shrugged, "Jon offers to take her to the bar, so I think we may deserve the caution."

Colby laughed, "You gonna come? We're going home to celebrate."

"Three ways aren't really my thing." He laughed, "But to each their own... Can't knock it til I try it, I guess."

"I told you to stop saying it like that." Rebecca shook her head, "You're making it sound like an innuendo."

"And I told you that's only if that already wasn't my original plan." Colby replied easily, and Joseph shook his head.

"What's a three-way?" Riley mumbled, still fighting off sleep.

"Oh my God." Rebecca's eyes widened as she covered Riley's exposed ear.

Joseph pressed his lips together, while Colby stared at him unimpressed. "Well, I'm gonna get going. Sorry bout that..."

He quickly began walking away, leaving Colby shaking his head. "Yeah, you better run."

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