[ Chapter 3 ]

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Another packed day began with Rebecca opening up the diner. This time, however, it was way more chaotic than the prior days were.

After finding out about the exam schedule, Rebecca found updated study sheets along with booklets and had been working on them endlessly. She spent most of the week studying well in advance to what they were learning in class and had been filling in every practice exam she could get her hands on.

She had a textbook in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, as she waited for the diner to officially open. Although she had been up for most of the night, she had managed to drag herself out of bed with little trouble.

"Again?" Mercedes threw her bag down, "How long are you gonna keep your nose stuffed in those damn books."

"What do you expect?" Rebecca laughed, "I'm not gonna gain the knowledge through the power of osmosis."

"Fair enough, but I mean, don't you wanna take a day off ever?" She grabbed a mug of coffee.

"A day off will lead to days off." Rebecca shook her head, "I can't afford that."

"Becky, you're one of the smartest people I know. If anyone can get a good mark without studying, it's you." Mercedes rested her hand on Rebecca's shoulder.

Rebecca shrugged, "Can and will are two very different things."

For the rest of her shift, Rebecca bounced between studying and serving customers. She walked around with her open textbook in hand, carrying a pot of coffee to serve people in the other.

When Mercedes walked into the backroom she laughed as she found Rebecca in an extreme state of focus. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her arms were crossed, and her signature pencil sat between her lips, as she stared down her worksheet.

Rebecca grumbled, "It's mocking me."

"The paper?" Mercedes cackled, "Oh girl, you've gone insane."

"This question." She sighed, "I don't know how to do it."

"Well, if you don't know the answer, I'm done for." Mercedes slipped off her apron.

"Don't say that." Rebecca shook her head, "I read it last night and couldn't solve it. I just chalked it up to me being too tired, so I skipped it. But I still don't know what to do."

"Okay, so I'm definitely screwed." Mercedes looked worried for a split second, before shrugging. "Whatever. You'll figure it out, you're an English genius. You're practically the next Shakespeare."

Rebecca tapped her pencil on the desk, "No thanks, I kinda wanna live past the age of fifty-two. And dying on my birthday wouldn't exactly be ideal."

"Case and point." Mercedes tilted her head to the side with a knowing grin.

"Plus, it's not English. It's math, which I'm terrible at." Rebecca rolled her eyes before laughing to herself. "Pun very intended."

"I'd help you out if I could, but I suck at math too." Mercedes whined, "Actually, you just turned it into a pun, so even if I could, I wouldn't."

"Rude." Rebecca smiled before sighing in defeat. "I'll figure it out."

"You always do." Mercedes gave her a quick kiss on the head before leaving the diner.

Shortly after, Rebecca packed up her things and began her trek to school. After the subway ride, she was once again on her way to campus, and as she began to walk to the entrance, she got a call.

"Hey! You coming to the club tonight?" She immediately heard the voice and recognized Ashley's excited tone.

"No, I can't." Rebecca sighed, knowing Ashley would be disappointed.

"What? You're no fun." She whined, "I haven't seen you in like a week. Stop hiding from me."

"Not hiding Ash, working and studying." Rebecca responded, laughing at the sound of Ashley's annoyed groan.

"It seems like that's all you do." She couldn't see her expression, but Rebecca knew Ashley was rolling her eyes.

"Probably because it's all I do." Rebecca just laughed, quietly thanking someone as they held the door open for her.

Ashley chuckled with a shake of her head, "Well, I miss you."

"I miss you too." Rebecca moved the phone from one ear to the other. "Are you free in the afternoon? We can meet in the library for a bit, my shift at the daycare is later today."

"To gossip?" Ashley quickly spoke with excitement seeping back into her words.

Rebecca rolled her eyes with a smile, "Ashley-"

"Deal." She quickly cut Rebecca off, knowing it wouldn't change anything but still determined to at least try.

"No deal." Rebecca laughed, "More like to study with some happy and willing company."

"Boo... I will not be willing or happy." Ashley complained before pausing, "But, fine. Only because I love you."

"I'm glad to hear that." Rebecca reached her classroom and paused at the door. "You know I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't love you."

Ashley flipped her hair for dramatic effect, even if Rebecca couldn't see it. "Well, I mean duh-"

"I don't just let anyone waste my time describing their dream guy of the day." Rebecca cut her off as she smiled.

Ashley scoffed, "Please, I'll have you know those conversations are extremely educational."

"Yeah, sure they are." Rebecca spoke sarcastically as she shook her head.

"Just know I can't promise that I'll be doing much studying." Ashley added quickly as she rolled her eyes.

"Why am I not surprised? Rebecca laughed before hearing the teacher begin to speak. "Okay, I gotta go, see you then."

Now that she had something to look forward to other than working right after a boring class, Rebecca felt the afternoon go by surprisingly quicker.

In no time, she was done her first class and on her way to her second. Just as quickly as her morning went by, so did her afternoon, and before she knew it, she was on her way to the university's library.

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