[ Chapter 42 ]

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Mercedes spent days which turned into weeks, getting bits and pieces of the story from both Rebecca and Colby separately, to try and figure out what really went down.

Rebecca's story never faltered, and Mercedes didn't want to ask her to repeat it too many times, because it often led to Rebecca shutting down for a while. Mercedes knew Colby wasn't one to trust easily, but Rebecca also had her fair share of difficulties with relationships over the years that closed her off. So for her to put so much trust into someone so quickly, just to have it backfire in her face, was understandably a tough pill to swallow.

Either Colby was lying and constructing his story on the fly, adding in pieces and details he thought would make him look more innocent, or there was a large fragment missing along the line that neither of them could figure out. 

Mercedes had to pry Colby out of his apartment for the first time since the incident, meanwhile, Rebecca was quick to get back on her feet and ignore her feelings.

After the girls had gone to talk to her, the next day, Rebecca got back to work and decided to try her best to ignore it and not mope. She was back at the diner at dawn and acting like she hadn't missed a thing.

During her time with Colby, she stepped back from her jobs and didn't book as many shifts. However, now she was booking herself in slots for any opening they had. She had no reason to slack off anymore, and she knew it was for the best.

Although it was going smooth at first, it quickly backfired because the second she got into the diner that morning, she saw Mercedes sitting at a booth with him. All of the oxygen from her lungs instantly dissipated, and she froze on the spot.

Rebecca hadn't seen Colby since he was a lipstick-stained, and disoriented mess. She blinked back a tear as she walked past the two of them swiftly, going into the back room.

Rebecca threw on her apron and popped a pill before she heard the back door open. "Becks, I swear, I didn't know you were booked today."

"It's fine. I didn't expect you to." Rebecca turned to Mercedes, "I only put it in the system yesterday."

Mercedes nodded, "I can tell him it's better off if he goes?"

"No, it's fine." Rebecca put on a fake smile, "Business is business. No matter who it's from."

She proceeded as normal, serving people and taking orders. When Rebecca read the receipt in the back and saw the dish was for Colby's table, the urge to ignore it, was strong. Until she realized Mercedes was in the process of taking someone else's order.

She sighed and picked up the breakfast order before bringing it to him begrudgingly. "Anything else for you?"

"Another coffee?" He started, and she nodded, writing out the ticket. "And a chance to explain?"

"I'll put that in for you." She replied regularly, before her tone hardened, "And there's nothing to explain."

Rebecca walked away, eventually circling around to give him his coffee after a few minutes of neglecting it. When she went to walk away, his fingers curled around her wrist. "Becky, please-"

"Don't touch me." Her expression was stoic as her voice only cracked slightly.

"I'm sorry." He let go, feeling his chest growing tighter, "Please, just five minutes."

Mercedes stepped in between the two suddenly, and held Rebecca by the shoulders, whispering. "Maybe you should give him a shot."

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Mercedes-"

"Wouldn't you want one if it was you?" She stared at Rebecca sympathetically, "Go into the staff room, two minutes. That's all you have to do. Giving him a chance to explain himself doesn't mean completely forgiving him."

Rebecca sighed, clicking the end of her pencil in her pocket. "Fine."

She walked away in a huff towards the staff room, and Mercedes turned towards Colby. "Don't screw this up."

He stood up as quickly as he could, following her into the back, "I really didn't- I don't know what happened. It isn't what you think it is."

"Bullshit Colby, you know every guilty person starts with that line." Rebecca clenched her fists, trying not to break down on the spot.

"I thought it was you at first." He didn't give her a chance to start her tangent, and she rolled her eyes at him, "I swear... all I could see was you."

He blinked rapidly, still trying to figure out what was going on himself. "Everything was hazy, and I just woke up. Then- then I heard your voice from the other direction and realized it wasn't."

"But it wasn't." She repeated coldly, "Even someone half-blind would be able to tell the difference."

"I didn't even recognize Sarah at first." He shook his head, "I haven't seen her since she abandoned us. I would never go back to her, especially when I already had someone like you..."

"You know what the worst part about all of this is, Colby?" Her laugh was dry, enabling some tears to begin to fall. "We're not together, and we weren't together."

She crossed her arms, hoping it would be some form of comfort. "So I guess, either way, I can't hate you for it because it's not like we were anything in the first place."

He shook his head, "Rebecca-"

"I will help you till exams are over." She wiped a tear off her cheek, "Then we can each go back to living our lives the way they were before."

"Sad and lonely?" Colby questioned suddenly, knowing more than anything it was the truth.

Rebecca stared at him, trying to even out her breathing. "Safe and simple."

"You were the best thing to happen to me since Riley." He nodded begrudgingly, remembering something was better than nothing.

"No matter what happens..." Colby paused, "That will never change."

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