[ Chapter 35 ]

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Rebecca didn't know why she felt nervous for Colby to see her apartment. She figured it was probably because she didn't remember what state it was in or how disorganized it was, as well as the fact that it would definitely be a downgrade for him.

She opened the door as wide as she could and let him go inside first. "It's not much."

Colby moved inside and scanned Rebecca's apartment. He smiled, knowing the cozy apartment definitely represented Rebecca perfectly. Everything was relatively in place, and something about the ambiance was extremely comforting. 

He smiled, but it was quickly broken by a yawn. "I like it."

"You need rest." She guided him down the narrow hall. "You can sleep in my bed."

"I can't do that." He shook his head, "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Nope." She grabbed a spare blanket and pillow from her closet. "That's my new bed. You get this one."

Colby knew she wouldn't let up, so he nodded, but not without a smirk. "Or you can join me."

"Also, nope." She laughed, "You have a daughter I need to go steal so your mom can relax. The bed's big, so you'll be fine with her."

"She sleeps like a starfish." He whined, "She'll kick me."

"Then she and I will share the couch." She shrugged, "Either way, you're getting the bed, Lopez. You're in pain, you need all the comfort you can get."

Colby faced her and rested his head on her shoulder, and Rebecca rubbed his back gently. "Thank you."

"Of course." She responded, helping him get settled in bed. "Here's my laptop, it already has everything you should need on it. Although, you really shouldn't be looking at screens with a concussion... but if you're not occupied, I fear for my apartment and your life."

"Okay, mom." He laughed jokingly, keeping it to a minimum so he didn't have a coughing fit and hurt his ribs.

"See, there you go with that again." She placed a large ice pack on his knee and elevated it on a few pillows as he let it breathe from the brace. Before slinging her jacket on, "Careful what you say, or the only way I'll see you going forward will be as a son."

Rebecca quickly drove to Holly's place so they could discuss how they wanted to approach things. When she knocked on the apartment door, Holly answered, and Rebecca could see the worry on her face.

"He's okay." Rebecca hugged her, "Slight MCL tear, some fractured ribs, mild concussion, and a busted lip."

"That doesn't sound okay." Holly backed away and welcomed Rebecca in.

"I know, but he's insisting that it is, so I'm going along with it." Rebecca sighed, "You'd never know if you just talked to him because he's downplaying it so well, but it could be because of all of the meds."

Holly nodded, "Where is he now?"

"My place." Rebecca replied, hearing Riley's feet running against the hardwood. "I think he wants to see his baby. Would you like to come too?"

"That's okay, dear. He needs rest, not distractions." Holly laughed, "And I'm sure Riley will tire him right out."

"That's only if he's not already asleep." Rebecca chuckled, scooping Riley up as she dashed towards her. "You wanna go see your dad?"

Riley nodded emphatically, "Where is he?"

"We're gonna take a special trip to my home." Rebecca replied, "Your dad got hurt at his football game, so he needs to have someone help him out."

"Okay, but what about grandma?" Riley questioned, "Can she help?"

"Of course, she can. But grandma has other things she needs to do too." Rebecca smiled, "I think we should give her a little break since she's been so busy with you."

When Rebecca got some of Riley's things packed in an overnight bag and got her settled in the car, they were off. Riley was excited to see Rebecca's place and her father, and Rebecca found herself continuously having to remind her that he was hurt and she'd have to be calm.

She knew the little girl was smart, but she also knew it'd be easy for her energy to take over and for her to get riled up. When she opened her apartment door, Riley's eyes were as wide as saucers as she took in the new environment. She walked around and jumped on the couch, covering herself in all of the fuzzy pillows, giggling.

"I hear my Riley." His voice was hardly a whisper, but Rebecca could hear the layers of strain hidden behind it.

"Daddy!" Riley's head turned so quickly Rebecca was surprised she didn't get whiplash.

"Don't forget-" The little girl was off to her room to see her dad, and Rebecca quickly followed. "To be careful."

The little girl was sprawled over his chest, and Rebecca's expression became serious. "Colby, your ribs."

She picked the little girl up, and he chuckled, "I'm fine Becks, she's a lightweight."

Rebecca shook her head, "I didn't know a side effect for your meds was delusion."

"Someone is a grumpy pants." Colby looked at Riley and began to sit up until pain shot through his midsection, and he crumpled back down.

"Not grumpy, just trying to prevent that." She sighed, knowing his concussion and medications were more in control of his thoughts than his actual brain was.

"You're going to sleep on the couch with me, little miss." She tickled Riley, "So why don't you go in the bathroom and change into your pyjamas and then you can pick a movie for us to watch."

The little girl's face lit up, and she was immediately squirming to escape Rebecca's grasp. "What about me?"

"You need to sleep, Lopez." She turned to him and watched him frown, "There will be plenty of other chances for you to watch a movie with me."

Colby smiled as Rebecca grabbed some of her things. "I'm gonna hold you to that."

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