[ Chapter 20 ]

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It didn't take much convincing after Rebecca's chat with Colby. They both agreed to open their results at the same time, but Colby knew the chances of them failing were slim to none.

They studied religiously, and Rebecca knew those textbooks inside and out. She could've lectured classes with her knowledge better than the professors they had, did.

"Okay, let's do it." Rebecca nodded, and they both clicked on their links.

She let out a deep breath as the loading sign continued to spin in an endless circle. "I got mine."

Her head shot over to Colby, and she couldn't read his expression. "And?"

"I uh- I failed." He stared at the screen blankly, and her eyes widened.

"Shut the hell up." Her heart dropped, and she snatched his phone from him.

"Liar!" She saw the big green checkmark and his mark plastered on the screen. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

She took a guzzle of alcohol, and he laughed, "C'mon, I told you I had the best of the best helping me."

Rebecca went to reach for another drink, missing completely, due to her poor hand-eye coordination and Colby paused. "I keep forgetting you're still completely shitfaced right now."

"I'm not completely-" She tripped over her other foot and fell onto the couch. "Okay, maybe a bit."

He laughed and grabbed her two hands, pulling her to her feet. "Hurry up and open the goddamn message, or I'll do it."

"No, you can't!" She laughed as he grabbed her phone, and she poorly attempted to catch it, realizing her depth perception also wasn't what it normally was.

She squinted her eyes at him and grabbed her beer bottle with a shrug, taking a sip before he snatched that too. "Hey! I let you get away with taking my phone but not my beer!"

He chugged the rest of it, and her jaw dropped, she stood to her feet and chased him around the couch until they were both gasping for air.

When Colby held his hand out with her phone in it, she grabbed it, and her smile faded. She moved in front of him and leaned her forehead against his chest. "Promise me that if I don't get the result I want, you won't think differently of me."

"Rebecca." He lifted her head up, cupping both sides of her face, "Your marks aren't what draw me to you. It's you that does. Not the number written on your tests or given to you online. I'm drawn to your personality, your selflessness, your beauty."

He grinned, "I wouldn't care if you were failing every class or dropped out. Your brain, your drive and your determination are all big assets, but they don't make up your entire being."

He wiped away a stray tear travelling down her cheek. "You're so much more."

"You're right... I'm so shitfaced right now." She laughed at herself for her erratic mood swings, and he smiled. "I think you're spending too much time with me, my lectures are starting to rub off on you."

"Good." He replied and let go of her face, bringing her phone back into the picture. "Now stop being so dramatic and open it."

She smiled weakly and nodded, slowly typing in her passcode with shaky thumbs. When she opened it, the page automatically started to refresh, and she took a deep breath.

Her screen turned from grey to white, and there it was. Right in front of her face, her screen displayed a large checkmark, and the green colour reflected onto her skin, making Colby's smile brighter.

She looked up at him, and a radiant smile broke onto her face. "We did it!"

"We did it." He nodded, and she threw her hands into the air, jumping up and hugging Colby.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling him reciprocating the tight hug as he wrapped his hands around her back and held her up in the air.

"Thank you." She whispered, crossing her legs around him to help lessen the weight he was lifting. She held him close for a few more moments before, leaning back so she could see his face.

"Thank you." Colby echoed, smiling as he tried to ignore the temptation washing over him.

Rebecca stared into his eyes, fiddling with some strands of his hair behind his head. Her eyes wandered towards his lips for a split second before they were trapped in his gaze again. She couldn't help but smile, as she felt adrenaline running through her and could hear her heart thumping in her ears.

For once in her life, she didn't allow herself to calculate every possible outcome of a situation beforehand. Rebecca leaned forward and pressed her lips against Colby's in one swift motion.

The doubt, however, made itself present afterwards, causing her to rethink her decision. She moved her lips off of his, with wide eyes, as she leaned back and stared at him at a loss for words.

Rebecca tried to find the words to apologize, but something in her wouldn't allow it, she opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Nothing needed to be said, however, because she saw a smirk flash across Colby's face before her eyes were instinctively closing, and their lips were connected again.

She initiated the first kiss, she knew she did. But the second kiss was all orchestrated by Colby, and she couldn't help but oblige.

Before she knew it, hands were roaming, and her back was on the nearest wall. After that, not many thoughts were running through Rebecca's mind, and for once, she was glad. She didn't even think to come up with an excuse or overcomplicated reason as to why everything felt so perfect.

It all seemed natural and well overdue like they were both reaching a point they subconsciously wished they had already met, and neither one was complaining.

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