[ Chapter 48 ]

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The instant Rebecca entered the lobby of Colby's apartment, someone bumped into her side harshly, and Rebecca's eyes widened. "Sarah?"

"Aw... look, it's the side piece." She smirked, "Can you blame him? Why have that when you can have this?"

Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed as she watched Sarah gesture to herself, "I knew I smelt some trash lurking around."

Sarah scoffed, and Rebecca watched her pull a key out of her purse. "If I'm so trashy, maybe I'll go pay him another visit."

Rebecca stood still, at a loss for words. "You broke in..."

"Well, once I was told that Colby had some hooker for a fiancée, I knew I had to see for myself." She looked Rebecca up and down, "Elizabeth wasn't lying when she said you were a downgrade."

Rebecca smiled, "Thank you for clearing things up for me, you absolute idiot. You're not needed anymore."

Sarah crossed her arms, "Now that he knows I'm still around, he'll never want to see you again."

"Really?" Rebecca chuckled, "Then why am I here?"

"To grab your things and move out." Sarah's smirk dropped as Rebecca laughed even more.

"Move out? Sweetie, the only person moving anywhere is you when your ass gets hauled to jail for breaking and entering." Rebecca looked Sarah up and down with a deadly glare. "Congratulations, your little stunt accomplished nothing."

She walked past Sarah, leaving her in disbelief, and she began rushing to the elevator. She had no more time to spare for the desperation reeking off of Sarah. Rebecca was too focused on going to see him.

When she got in, and the elevator started going up, she felt herself get nervous for some reason. Rebecca began to wonder if he had moved on or didn't want to see her either way.

She stopped before knocking on his door, not knowing if she should go through with it or just give him more space. Rebecca took a step back, trying to will herself to knock, but she found herself staying still.

After a few seconds of mentally convincing herself, she was just about to knock on the door when it opened. "Rebecca?"

"Colby." She smiled slightly. "You got time to talk?"

"Of course." He opened the door and stepped aside as she walked in. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah." She stood against his wall, "Thank you for that, by the way."

"Oh, it was nothing." He shook his head, "I mean, I already know you would've done the same. You have done the same."

"Why'd you leave?" The words came out of her mouth before she could comprehend them. "The hospital."

"I uh, figured you'd want your space. I didn't wanna be a bother." He shrugged, "I figured it wasn't fair to you given the circumstances."

"Well, you should've..." She spoke quietly, and he looked over at her. "You should've stayed."

She decided to cut to the chase, "I ran into Sarah. Long story short, I shouldn't have doubted you."

"Wait, what?" He shook his head in confusion, "Where'd you run into Sarah?"

"The main floor of your apartment." She explained, "She still has a key to your apartment, so she broke in. I guess you never had the locks changed."

Rebecca watched him walk around while she continued. "But that's not why I was coming here to talk to you. At that point, I already knew you did nothing wrong."

Colby leaned on the counter across from the wall she was by. "How?"

She pulled the folded medication list out of her pocket. "It talks about everything you'd need to know... including side effects."

Rebecca handed it to him slowly, "I guess she woke you up too quickly and your body wasn't prepared, or maybe you accidentally mixed meds..."

He read it over as she continued, "I'm so sorry, Colby. I had no right to believe you'd ever do that, but seeing it was so jarring and... I don't know, my brain just couldn't comprehend anything."

"I should be apologizing to you." Colby looked over at her and folded the paper back up.

"Colby, you're the victim." Rebecca shook her head, taking it from his hands and setting it aside. "There's absolutely nothing you have to apologize for."

"Yeah, there is." He insisted, "I let you get away from me."

Rebecca rebutted, "Once again, my fault, I'm the one who jumped the gun and didn't see it through. I-"

"I should've changed the locks." Colby smirked, "My fault."

"I should've come here earlier to prevent anything from happening." Her smile grew, "Therefore, my fault."

"Agree to disagree." He stepped forward, "We'll just say we're both to blame."

He walked towards her, so they were both face to face. Before he grabbed her hands gently, "So what now?"

"I don't know, you tell me." Rebecca's heart warmed as she felt his fingers find their way back to hers.

"Okay... but just remember you told me to tell you." He grabbed her hips, "So you're stuck with whatever I decide."

"That's only if your plans weren't my original ones." She smirked, seeing him begin to lean in, "But either way, I think I can handle that."

Both Colby and Rebecca wanted to cry the second their lips connected for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, knowing that they had found their home again.

Rebecca laughed as Colby hoisted her up, his hands venturing under her, her back still against the wall. The euphoric feeling that surrounded them both was indescribable and ethereal.

"Rebecca." Colby rasped, pulling away from her lips begrudgingly.

He felt her fingers in his hair tighten, "Yeah?"

"Do you..." Colby placed a slow kiss on her lips and began to slowly travel down her neck with a kiss every time he spoke. "Want to... be my..."

Rebecca's eyes widened, and she pulled his head back swiftly, desperate to see the word leave his lips. "Girlfriend?"

Rebecca smiled, completely elated, "But I thought I was already your fiancée..."

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