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The water runs down your body. "Fucking hell it's too cold!" Of course you can never get your shower water right on the first try. Nor second try... or third. But hey, you finally get it. You start washing your hair and shit, and washing yourself, because you are in the motherfucking shower. You get out in your bathrobe, going to your room and just laying on your bed, being too lazy to start drying your hair. You just scroll on your phone for awhile, until you get a text from your cousin, Asahi.

"Are you ready? Can I come and pick your outfit?" You jump out of bed, realising you are not ready. You didn't put clothes on, you didn't do your make-u, you didn't even dry your hair! so you need to be fast. You were lazy in bed for so long your hair is half dry, so it won't take long to dry. It's not hard to put a shirt and some shorts o, but the make-up.. yeah. You are not a make-up artist, but you do wear make-up. That doesn't mean you are good at it tho. Especially with eye make up. You always, and I mean always, need to mess up your eyeliner or smudge your mascara. So make up might take a while. 

"You can come."

"I'll be there in 5." Asahi texted back. You get dressed and dry your hair, turning off the hairdryer exactly when your cousin opened the door. You take out your eyeliner and start to do it. Your plan works and Asahi thinks you were struggling with the eyeliner all this time, so that is why you are not ready. well, actually you ARE struggling with the eyeliner. "Hi. Fuck!" you say messing up the eyeliner, as always.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Asahi says with confidence.

"Do you even know how to do eyeliner?"

"..well.. uhmm no, but I can try. You don't know either." You give him a look.

"You didn't need to twist the knife deeper, thank you."

"I'm sorry. Well, I'll just wait here until you are done." he says jumping in your bed and pulling his phone out. It took a while for you to finish the eyeliner. Like 10 minutes, but you eventually did it somehow.

"Ok I'm done." Asahi gets up and opens a bag he brought with him.

"And Y/n, this is for you." he says getting out a really elegant black jumpsuit from that bag.

"Weren't you supposed to pick from MY elegant clothes?" 

"This is yours too. I made it just for you." Your eyes widened.

"YOU MADE THIS?! For ME? That's why you needed my measures."  You look open mouthed at that piece of clothing. "Is it your first design?"

"Yes, actually."

"You are really good at it, keep going!" He smiles at your compliment. You take the jumpsuit and go in the bathroom, putting it on. You look fucking amazing you gorgeous bitch! You look like a goddess. You get out of the bathroom, Asahi almost crying when he sees you, being so proud of himself that his first clothing item is a success. "So he is gonna be here at 8 p.m, I have exactly.. 5 minutes left. Shit."

"Well just put your shoes on and you are ready to go." You do as he says, soon you hearing your doorbell ring. It's them. "Have fun!" Asahi tells you before you leave the house. Tanaka takes your hand and drives you to the car, where Akiteru and Saeko are waiting for you. You are a little bit anxious, until you see that Akiteru is driving. Thank God. You've had experiences with Saeko's driving, let's say you don't wanna go through that again. He starts driving, soon all 4 of you arriving at the location. A fancy restaurant Akiteru offered to pay for. For all 4 of you. Hell yeah! Free expensive food! You all sit at the table, ordering your food and talking. This is Saeko's and Akiteru's first date since they made things official, not long ago. They are cute together not gonna lie. Saeko orders some dessert, same with Ryuu- like brother like sister. You go for some classic pasta and Akiteru.. some fancy thing he doesn't even know the name of. You all eat. making jokes and congratulating Akiteru and Saeko on their relationship. After that, you see that Akiteru's wallet is still alive and he orders champane. He is the driver so he can't drink. But Saeko on the other hand...

"Let's drink it baby!" her and her younger brother say, both with the same energic attitude. You laugh and give Ryuu a kiss on the cheek. After that date, Akiteru drives you and Ryuu back to your house, while Saeko stayed at the restaurant to check in their hotel for the night. The couple needs some alone time you know. You enter the house, nobody being there. Yu go to your room, wanting to get changed and give Ryuu some clothes he has at yours too, but he suddenly starts talking. "Did I tell you we're going to nationals?"

"Yeah, like 1000 times."

"Can we still celebrate it?"

"We celebrated it 1 week ago, when you found out."

"Can we re-celebrate it please?"

"Fine, but if mom comes home and finds us like that I'm blaming just you." you say before pushing him into the bed.

~The end~

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