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Noya's house is not exactly close to Asahi's house, so Tanaka has to do a little bet of walking until he gets there. Well, Tanaka is so exited to tell Noya everything about how his date with you went, so he runs all the way there. He arrives and nocks on Noya's door, him answering immediately, being as exited to hear about the date as Tanaka is to tell him about it. Tanaka is out of breath, Noya taking him to his room and giving him a glass of water.

"So? How did it go? Did you have fun? Were you the brave guy? Did she kiss you? "

"Yes, yes and yes." Tanaka says still out of breath, drinking the water.

"Oh, thats good- wait wait wait hold on. You KISSED WHAT?!"

"Let me tell you everything that happened." He begins telling Noya about what rides you rode, about how you laughed at him for screaming on the rollercoaster, about how you saved his ass from getting killed by the smallest spider you have ever seen and how you stayed and enjoyed him being scared of that tiny spider. Then he tells Noya about how he was the brave guy on he Speed Windmill, him Tanaka being really proud of himself. "And then I took her to one of the ball throwing games."

"Did you win anything for her?"

"A plushie panda."

"And? What happened next? You sayd she kissed you. Spill. It. Out." Noya says.

"Okay okay I'll tell you now. I was walking her back to her house, we arrived there and she kissed me on the cheeck before going inside. And she left me there. I kind of stared blankly at the front door for like 2 more minutes before I called you."

"AHAHAHAHA man, you are really a simp for this girl. And also, cheek?"

"Still a kiss." Tanaka spends the whole night at Noya's house, Noya laughing on how much of a simp for you he is, and Saeko, Tanaka's older sister spamming him with calls to ask him about the date... and to laugh at him for being a simp too.


You get in the house, leaving Tanaka a froze living tomato at your front door. Asahi is already waiting for you, you finding him at the front door. "How did it- oh. OH. I see I see." You are confused, giving him the *what the fuck are you talking about bruh* look. He sees that you are confused as fuck. "Y/n. Your face is a red mess." You now realise you blushed after kissing Tanaka on the cheeck, fact that makes you blush again. "Come on. Let's go to your room and please tell me about it." You follow your cousin, sit on the floor and you start telling hm the story of yours and Tanaka's first date.

"He refused to let me pay for anything, he said he asked me on this date so that means he needs to pay."

"And where do you have this from?" Asahi says pointing at the plushie panda.

"The date was at an amusement park. He took me to one of those ball throwing games and won me this. On the first try actually."

"That's actually sweet of him. And? What did you do at the amusement park?"

"We rode some rides, we were in that house that is supposed to be scary. It was boring until Tanaka starting screaming his lungs out because a spider was on him."

"Hahah, yeah. he is really afraid of spiders."

"I saw. We rode the rollercoaster, him screaming harder than everyone. I kind of laughed. We rode the Speed Windmill too."

"Wow. Weren't you scared?"

"Wow. Well I didn't want to go but I felt bad because he already payed for the ticket. But I made it out alive. And then he walked me home. And I kind of kissed him on the cheeck before entering the house." Asahi spilled out his drink from his mouth. He wipes it off.

"You WHAT. Wow, you really like him I see."

"I- I honestly am not a fan of his looks, but I really like his personality. I don't like him in THAT way yet."


"Oh shut up!"


It has been more than a week since the date, being the next Monday, you being back to school, which means you need to see Yamamoto again at lunch, because all the volleyball team sits at the same table with you. You are glad you have so many friends, but Yamamoto annoys even the smallest shit out of you. You don't have anything personal with him, but you just want him to leave you alone for at leat a day. Every time he sees you he is all on you, he fulls you with questions and doesn't even try to leave you alone until the bell rings or you need to go home. It annoys you what the fuck. You are casually walking out of the school building, wanting to go to Karasuno to bring Asahi something to eat before practice. He needs power. And again, the Yamamoto guy follows you. "Hey Y/n! Where are you going."

"None of your business."

"No need to be so rude." You sigh.

"At my cousin's school to bring him something."

"Don't you wanna go out?"


"Come on, please." He tries to take your hand, but you pull away.

"DUDE! I said no so fuck off please."


"Leave her alone bro, understand she doesn't wanna go out with you." Kenma says. Yamamoto goes off.


"No problem. You good? Do you want me to walk you to Karasuno?"

"Nah, thanks for making him go off." You go off to Karasuno's gym, entering. There aren't all members there, because practice starts in like 15 minutes. You give Asahi his food, him going into the locker room to eat it. When you want to leave, Tanaka enters the gym.

"Y/n hi! How are you doing?" He gives you a hug, you hugging him back. "Do you want to stay over to watch us practice?"

"Hello to you too. And uhm- you take me by surprise with this but okay." You stay at their practice, then walking home with Asahi. Your cousin is in the locker room, changing. While you wait for him you are talking to Tanaka.

"Well Y/n, since you are Karasuno's lucky charm, will you come to our match with Nekoma next week?"

"Sure. But I think it will be a little weird, me going to Nekoma High and cheering for Karasuno hahah."

"You didn't cheer when we had a match with Aoba Johsai, you just had to be there and we won. You can cheer for Nekoma, you just need to be there." You kind of feel like he is now using you to win the game, but you don't care honestly, so you agree to come and support them.

Lucky Charm (Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now