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You close the door and turn around, seeing Asahi exactly behind you. "You shit- can you please not do this?"

" I'm sorry Y/n. " You both go to Asahi's room.

" What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be at Daichi's house to do a project with him and Suga? " Suddenly he has a really weird look on his face.

" Well, I went to Daichi's house, I got there and I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked again, again, no answer. I stayed there for like 5 minutes, until it sparkled in my head to look thriough Daichi's window. And.. I saw something I didn't wanna see. "

" What did you see? Are Suga and Daichi ok? "

" Yeah, they are okay. Maybe a little too ok. "

" What do you mean? " you say with confusion.

" Do you really want to know? " You nod in responce. Asahi sighs. " Well, I looked through the window and saw Daichi and Suga, both on the bed. " He pauses a little. " They were doing the devil's tango. " You just look at him in shock. You want to laugh so bad, but you feel bad for him at the same time, because he had to see 2 of his friends doing the dirty. "I sat there, frozen, for like 2 minutes, until I decided to come back home."

" Who is the top? "

" Y/n! "

" What? "

" Hah... it's Suga. "

" NO WAY! "

" I swear! I was surprised too! "

" Yeah. Anyway, not me nor Ryu noticed you enter the house. "

" I entered the house and you and Tanaka were watching the movie. And I was curious to see what happened in the movie, but I didn't want you two lovebirds, So I just sat at the door. You don't know how hard I tried to keep myself from not making any noise. "

" ...you saw everything? "

" Everything. And that was a passionate kiss not gonna lie. " Asahi laughs a little.

" Oh shut up! "


Asahi is in the locker room, talking to Tanaka and changing into his volleyball uniform, when Daichi and Suga walk in. Asahi quickly turns around, not wanting to make eye contact with any of the. " Why didn't you come yesterday to make the project? " Daichi asks Asahi.

" I did come. "

" Why did you leave? Also, I didn't hear you knock on the door. "

" I did knock, but I think you both were a little too busy to answer. " Silence. Tanaka looks so confused, but he doesn't leave because he is curious to hear the story. It sounds interesting.

" ... you saw everything, didn't you? " Suga and Asahi both look so embarrased, soon being followed by Daichi. "Oh my God." Tanaka looks so confused, until Daichi wants to change his shoes. But he is not sitting down, which leads to him struggling a bit to put them on.

"Wait, Daichi, why aren't you sitting down?" Daichi just shakes his head, then looks at Suga and Asahi, who don't have more until they start laughing. Tanaka still looks confused as hell.

" I just can't sit down. " Daichi replies to Tanaka, Suga and Asahi not being able to keep it in for much longer. Tanaka looks at them.

" Oh. OH. OHH! Holy shit! " He starts laughing, Suga and Asahi starting to laugh too. " Well, if our captain can't sit down, I think you did a good job Suga! But not for Daichi, for him it was a pain in the ass. " Daichi looks just like a human tomato, while Asahi, Suga, Tanaka amd now Tsukki, who just heard the whole conversation, start laughing. Daichi is more embarrased by the fact that Tsukki laughs too, him not laughing a lot.

" Let's just forget this ever happened. Please. "


You keep your promise and you bring donuts to the volleyball team. You stay at their practice, eating some with them. They all are eating, but Kuroo eating them as there is no tomorrow, not leaving many for the rest of the team. Yamamoto is a little hesitant in taking a donut and eating it, because he knows how much he annoys you. But you bring donuts for everyone, so you give some to him too. While them eat, you enjoy the view of Kenma playing on his nintendo switch and keeping a donut in his mouth. After their practice, you go and hang out with Kuroo a little, telling him all about the movie and about how Tanaka made his move, then you tell him about Asahi getting tramatised. He laughs, you laughing because of his laugh.

" No fucking way. Suga.. topping Daichi?! I would PAY to see that. "

".. Kuroo, please let's not go that far. " You go home, where your mother seems really happy. She comes in your direction like she wants to tell you something.

" I found a house and I got a job. "

" That's great mom! "

" And the house is actually the one near this one, so you and Asahi can spend time together too. So he can pick up more outfits for your dates. "

" Mom! " That day Asahi and his mom help you and your mom move your stuff to the other house. You are shocked to see it already has furniture. You movesd your stuff, but you are too lazy to unpack it, so you go straight to sleep. It's Saturday, so you have no school. You are texting Tanaka.

" Yeah, so, I moved. "

" Oh really? Where? "

" In the house next to Asahi's, so the same distance from my house to yours. "

" But anyway, can you help me with my history homework? "

" Uh, yeah sure I guess.. but I don't know where you live. "

" Don't worry, I'll come pick you up. So.. when can you come? "

" Is this evening okay? "

" Yeah, perfect! You can stay overnight too if you want. You know.. to have time to hang out too :)) "

" Okay, I will stay overnight too. See you! "

" See you! Ly! " when you see this message you blush instantly, but you reply.

" Ilyt :)) " You can't wait, so you go and pack your stuff to stay overnight.

Lucky Charm (Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now