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You pack your stuff so you can go at Tanaka's place. You also take your history notebook so you can help him with it. You pack some card games too, so you can play them during the night. You call Tanaka.

"Okay so, I'm ready. You can come pick me up."

"Good. Okay, I'm on my way." Until Tanaka comes to pick you up you go to Asahi's house, which is really next to yours, and you wanna steal some of his snacks. You know Asahi is home, so you let yourself in and you go straight to his room, seeing he is just chilling on his bed.

"Oh hi Y/n. What are you doing here?"

"Just came here to steal some of your snacks." you say opening the drawer where the snacks are.

"Take how many you want. I've gone on a diet." You turn around and give him an angry look.

"Bro. Do you want me to kick your ass? Because you deserve it. Why do you need to go on a diet?"

"Well, I started to go to the gym and I wanna eat healthier. I won't eat less, don't worry."

"Ok, approved. So... can I get your snacks?"

"Go on." You take some bags of chips and some Coca Cola's, then you leave his house. You go back to yours, and in less than 5 minutes, you hear a knock on your front door. You go and open, Tanaka staying in front of the door.

"You ready Y/n?" You nod in responce, then you get out of the house and lock the door, putting the spare key back into it's place, as your mom told you to do before she headed to work. You turn around, following Tanaka all the way downtown, where Tanaka's house is located. He opens the door for you and lets you in. "After you, Y/n." You enter his house and he leads you to his room. You put your bag on his bed, taking your history notebook and some snacks out of it. Tanaka comes into the room shortly after, bringing you a glass of water. "So, I have this essay I need to work on. It's about the american revolution and I can't find much information about it. So, Y/n, can you search in your notebook to see if you have something more than I have?" Bro, Google exists. "Yeah, I know Google exists, but I can't design a PowerPoint project for shit. That's why I asked you for help."

"Uhh.. sure, I'll design it for you." You start the project, Tanaka telling you what he wants to be written, him writing and you designing, changing the writing fond and putting some images here and there. Soon, his bedroom door opens, without knocking. A short girl with a big ass decoltage enters the room.

"Ryu, I'm home! Oh, hi. What are you doing?"

"A history project."

"About what?"

"American revolution."

"I have done a project about that when I was your age, too bad I don't have it saved on my laptop anymore. But I can help you with it if you want."

"Really.. you are as stupid as me, if I don't know how to do them, I know you don't either. Plus, I already have someone to help me." he says pointing at you, who you just realised that girl must be his older sister.

"Is she the girl you are always talking about? Hello, I'm Saeko, Ryu's older sister." She takes a good look at you before saying something else. "Damn.. you could have done better choosing the person."

"Hey, don't be rude! Y/n is wonderful!" Saeko pauses and looks at him a little.

"I was talking to her." You start laughing. Okay, you like his older sister. She definetly has the sarcasm with her. "Well, anyway, I'm gonna be cooking dinner. I will tell you when it is ready. Also, are you staying overnight?" she asks you, noticing your bag.

"Uhh yeah."

"I am so sorry for you. Be careful. Ryu moves A LOT in his sleep, so don't be surprised if he kicks you off the bed. " You laugh.


"See you when dinner is ready." She left, you two continuing to make and design the project. While you make/ design the project, you also eat the snacks you brought from Asahi's house. Until you finish the project you eat all the snacks, neither of you being hungry anymore, so when Saeko calls you out for dinner, you both have to deny. You actually feel a little bad for her. You and Ryu talk for a while, getting to know each other better, even tho you already know a ton one about another since the first date, the date at the amusement park. It's already night, but you aren't sleepy at all, Tanaka as well, so you both decide to watch something. You both decide to watch a movie about history, but that decision being changed quickly, you had enough history for one day. So you watch "The count of Monte Cristo" instead.  The movie seems interesting, there is a lot of drama, action, fake friends and even romance. And a little bit of history too.

"Did they just fuck in the cave?" Tanaka says.

"That's how it looks like."

"BRO. He is a really big bitch you know. You don't use people like that what the fuck- " You are surprised to see how much Tanaka talks during movies, but you don't mind that at all. When you get to the half of the movie, you start getting sleepy, but you try your hardest not to fall asleep, because you want to see how the movie ends, but you fail just after 5 minutes, when a deep sleep comes and gets you. You are asleep, Ryu noticing and tucking you into bed, while he continues to watch the movie, him being really catched by it. When it finishes he gets into bed too, getting near you and slowly putting an arm hugging your waist, so he doesn't wake you up.

Lucky Charm (Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now