Chapter Thirty - Three - Aftermath

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Rafe's foot didn't leave the gas pedal as he sped home, ignoring the speedometer rising rapidly as his thoughts overcame him.

You murdered someone.

With his jaw clenched and hands gripping the steering wheel tightly his thoughts drifted back to Ivy and how terrified she had looked. The image made him sick to his stomach and he screeched the car to a halt on the empty road, opening up the car door and stepping outside.

The air nipped at his face, it was beginning to get colder now that summer was nearly over and as a shiver ran through Rafe's body he folded and proceeded to vomit on the tarmac below. Shaking and sickly he took a few deep breaths before wiping his mouth and banging his fist onto the hood of the car.

In the distance he noticed some headlights and got back into his car and pulled away, not wishing to draw any more attention to himself than needed. He began to think about what he would tell his dad. He didn't know what to tell him, there was nothing that he could tell him that wouldn't make him seem like a complete monster. Rafe had always had his issues with anger, but murder? This was a whole new level of fucked up. As he neared his home he felt his heart rate quicken with every millisecond. But despite everything that had just gone on, all he wanted to know was if Ivy was safe. He hated leaving her there at the docks herself, but he knew that if one of their cars had been left beside the scene of a crime it would only implicate them, and the last thing Rafe needed was for Ivy to be implicated in anything.

He left the car and clenched his fists as he walked, leaving little crescent-shaped cuts in the palm of his hands. The house was silent upon entry, Sarah was out with the Pogue's and Wheezie was most likely up in her room binging a show on Netflix. That meant that if Rose was home she would try her hardest to stick her nose into anything Rafe had to tell his father. He braced himself as he entered the lounge where he could hear the faint noise of the large television playing some movie as the two adults sat on the couch with glasses of wine.

"Hi Son, I thought you were out for the night?" Ward asked

"Uh, dad can I talk to you for a minute?" Rafe mumbled

"Rafe, you don't look too good is everything okay?" Rose pondered, taking note of his pasty appearance

"Yeah, I think it's the flu" he lied

"Watch the rest of the movie with us and we can talk after" Ward said

"No, dad. We gotta talk. Now"

Ward and Rose exchanged glances before pausing the movie. Ward got up from his seated position and followed his oldest child to the study where Rafe locked the door behind them.

"Rafe. What's going on"

Rafe bit his lip hard "I fucked up"

"For god sake. Who do you owe money to now, seriously Rafe I'm getting real tired of being your personal bank"

"No Dad!" his son yelled as he pressed the heel of his palms to stop any tears from spilling  "I don't owe anyone any money"

A look of seriousness crossed Ward's face as he neared Rafe "Okay. So tell me what's wrong"

Rafe's eyes filled with tears, and he looked at his father with pleading eyes "I... I killed someone"

As if all of the oxygen in the study had disappeared, Ward felt his breath catch in his throat "You did what? Who? Are you absolutely sure they're dead?" he questioned

"It was Michael Douglas. He was hurting Ivy dad he was gonna do something to her. You know what I mean when I say do something" Rafe exasperated "I hit him with a loose board on the deck and he fell into the water. He didn't come up"

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