Chapter Twenty Four - Nowhere To Go

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As the car pulled up to the house Ivy wiped her eyes and sniffled, there was no denying that she had been crying. Her hazel irises were surrounded by red, and her skin was blotchy from the tears. She had nowhere else to go and hoped that her friends would be understanding of the situation. It was time to come clean.

John B got up to open the door. He and Sarah had just been left alone as the rest of the group had recently dispersed after they had spent the day out on the HMS Pogue.

"JJ man for the last time make sure you have your shit before you leave – "he laughed as he swung the door open, surprised to see Ivy in place of who he thought was JJ. His facial expression changed to concerned when he got a good look at her. "Ivy? Are you okay? Sarah come here!"

Failing to put on a brave face Ivy broke down into more tears at the sight of her friends, John B ushered her inside the chateau as Sarah walked into the living room, her face immediately dropped seeing her friend in the state she was in, she sat her down on the couch and began talking to her, trying to figure out what was going on.

"My m-m-mom kicked me out" Ivy managed to stutter through her tears

"What! Why?" Sarah asked, signalling to her boyfriend to go get their crying friend a glass of water

Ivy looked at the Cameron girl through her bloodshot eyes and felt another wave of sadness strike her, she was going to ruin the best friendship she had with her truth, but she couldn't lie anymore. "Rafe told my parents everything, they know I've been sneaking around the cut"

"They'll get over it. My parents weren't happy at first but there's nothing they can do!" Sarah reassured

"Rafe told them? Why was Rafe at your place?" John B questioned handing over the glass of water

Her stomach flipped, there was no way she could tell the story without including those details and she knew it wasn't going to end well "He was high, and he came over when he saw my ex-boyfriend Trevor and his family leave our house, he was pissed at me I guess so he... he told them where I've been this summer" she said fumbling over her words

"He's such an ass" Sarah grumbled

"But why was he pissed at you? I know you guys don't get along but that's even a little strange for him you gotta admit. Unless there's something else you're not telling us?" the boy in the corner asked knowing that there must have been more to the story. He squinted his eyes at Ivy, scanning her face for any hint of expression to help him understand better

"John B come on! She's upset, stop trying to go all detective mode" Sarah protested

Ivy fidgeted with her hands for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking at Sarah "He's right" she looked up at the confused face of the girl before her "Rafe and I have been kind of hooking up for a little bit and when he saw Trevor at my door he must have got angry I don't know"

Sarah moved back from the crying girl in front of her and stared at her dumbfounded, John B's eyes flicked back and forth between the two in confusion.

"Sarah I'm so sorry, please you have to believe me I didn't know this was going to happen"

"Is this why you've been hanging out with me? So you can get close to my brother? My brother that's supposed to be your mortal enemy?"

"No, god no. I swear Sarah, you've been such a great friend to me this summer. You all have and this thing with Rafe it's over I promise. I could never after what he just did"

"You're so twisted. You pretend to be so nice just so you can get under peoples skin and worm your way in but you're the complete opposite. Maybe you and my brother are made for each other. Friends don't sleep with their friend's brothers what's wrong with you?"

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