Chapter Fourteen - Unexpected Visits

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A/N - Hey quick note just to say I've changed the ocs name to Ivy bc it came to my attention that there was another Rafe fic w the protagonist named Iris and I didn't want to seem like I was trying to copy anyone as I know it's not really a common name (I just picked it bc I had been watching The Flash before and really loved it) but I think that Ivy suits her too! I wanted to keep it an I name for reasons coming up later in the story so sorry if there was any confusion when reading!

Rafe breathed heavily as he lay back down on his crumpled bedsheets, Ava was pulling on her top and buttoning up her shorts. Rafe's piercing blue eyes staring at her as she did so. He was about to pull her back down into the bed when he heard the clattering of keys come from downstairs. His eyes widened and he quickly threw his clothes on, struggling with the tie on his sweatpants.

"I thought you were alone tonight" she hissed

Rafe looked at his watch, the time had gotten away from them, and it was now 10, he grumbled some curse words and tried to come up with a plan.

"Have you ever climbed down a drainpipe?" he asked

Ava's face dropped, her auburn hair framing her unimpressed face "You have got to be kidding me Cameron"

Rafe shrugged "It's not that hard"

"I am not climbing down your drainpipe!" she said her volume rising, he placed a finger to her lips to silence her.

"Okay. I'll make sure nobody is in the kitchen, we sneak down, and you leave the back way?"

"You drove me here asshole"

"Then get an uber or something I don't care" he sighed, rolling his eyes

Ava screwed up her face at Rafe and scoffed, heading for the door before he pulled her back "Fine okay. I'll drive you. Just be quiet"

The two snuck down the stairs after they heard two sets of feet head up the stairs, assumingly Wheezie and Sarah. They managed to avoid the voices in the sitting room and made a beeline for the back door, Rafe looking over his shoulder every two seconds. When the pair had finally managed to exit the house and get into Rafe's car he exhaled loudly, turning the engine over and pulling away from the driveway.

"What's the problem. You invited me to see you" Ava asked

"I invited you to fuck" Rafe corrected, picking a cigarette out of the pack with his teeth and fumbling in the side door compartment to find his lighter

"Ew. Seriously Rafe?" Ava grumbled as the car rolled to a stop at a red light

"You can walk if you'd prefer?" he deadpanned, motioning out to the dark road with his free hand after lighting his cigarette.

Ava scoffed and rolled down her window "My clothes are going to smell of smoke"

"I'm sure your moms used to being disappointed by you" Rafe mumbled

The rest of the car ride was silent other than the faint radio playing and when they finally stopped at the Fischer household Ava slammed the car door as she quickly exited. Rafe hung out the driver's seat window, he stared at Ava for a moment with lustful eyes, his mouth half-open slightly, his tongue between his teeth at his left cheek before popping a piece of gum in. He couldn't help but stare at her ass as she walked away.

"Hate to see you go but love to watch you leave baby" he yelled cockily as he sped away from the house leaving Ava embarrassed as a light turned on in the front room upstairs.

Rafe drummed his hands against the wheel as he turned up the music he was listening to. Although Ava was a good distraction his mind still wandered to Ivy. He wondered if she had told her boyfriend yet and how he had reacted, more importantly. Would he be receiving a beat down any time soon? He put the thoughts behind him as he pulled into the drive at Tanneyhill.

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