Chapter Eleven - Stay Away

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Ivy pulled away from the kiss, pushing Rafe away from her. Her body was shaking, and she could still feel his lips on hers, taking her arm she wiped at her mouth quickly before covering it with her hands. Rafe was backing away, his cheeks flushed and his eyes constantly flicking back from the floor to Ivy's lips.

"You.. you kissed me!" She stammered

"You kissed me back!" Rafe protested

"Why the hell would you do that! I have a boyfriend you psychopath; in what world did you think that was a good thing to do" Ivy growled

"I... I don't know! I thought that's what that was kind of leading to" he stuttered waving his hands around frantically

Ivy pressed the heel of her hand into her eyes "God damn it, Rafe, you just made me cheat on my boyfriend, whom I love very much with you, someone that I do not love very much!"

"I dunno didn't seem like you hated me that much five minutes ago" Rafe shrugged

"Ugh! You're so disgusting. You just love to ruin everything don't you?" she sighed before storming away

Rafe began to follow her "Hey! Ivy where are you going?" he whispered to not attract attention from the families in the living room

"Away from you!" she hissed "And if you have any hint of a brain in that thick skull of yours, you'll stay far away from me, especially when Trevor gets here because my god you are so getting your ass kicked"

Rafe flung his head back in exasperation "Come on, you're seriously going to tell him? It was a little kiss it didn't mean anything and anyway you kissed me back. How's that going to look to G.I Joe?"

Ivy paused for a moment to think about his words before turning back around to face him "Stay the fuck away from me. I mean it, Rafe. If our families are doing anything, you suddenly have the flu and can't leave your room. If I see you in the street, walk the other way. Leave me and my relationship alone" she seethed before storming up the remaining stairs and down the hall to her bedroom, slamming the door closed as she did so.

With her head buried into her pillow, she let a few tears slip. She had never done anything like this before and the fact that it was with Rafe made the whole situation ten times worse. He knew that she had a boyfriend and it's not like he even liked her. This was just another way he was messing with her and trying to ruin her summer. Now she had to figure out what to tell Trevor and when. He would be arriving in two days with his family. She couldn't spring it on them now after they had paid to make the trip. She would just have to tell him when he arrived, only hoping that there would be no interference from Rafe in the next few days.

On the landing Rafe paced up and down, debating whether or not to go to Ivy's room to try and explain what had just happened, however, he wasn't even sure himself. He hadn't intended to kiss her, that had been the last thought on his mind whenever he thought of Ivy, but he couldn't help himself in the moment. She kissed him back, his thoughts kept wandering to this over and over, if she hated it so much then why did she kiss him back. The second thought his mind was stuck on was that of Trevor, Ivy's off-brand Steve Rodgers. He would be here at the weekend and Ivy had given strict instructions for Rafe to stay away. Guilty conscience he thought, there was no way that she cared that much for his wellbeing, and she probably would've enjoyed watching her boyfriend beat Rafe up, so it must have been so there were no slip-ups of her own infidelity. It takes two to tango Rafe thought. Clenching his teeth together Rafe gave up on the idea of talking to Ivy and headed back downstairs before telling his parents he was starting to feel tired and would be going home. Before he left he gave a glance toward the general direction of the library and shook his head. She was just a girl, and a girl he hated at that. He had kissed girls with boyfriends before, he could take a punch and throw one too. Everything would be fine.

As Ivy cleaned up her smeared eye makeup she sniffled.

"What is wrong with you" she grumbled to her reflection

When the washcloth brushed against her soft lips her thoughts began racing with images of Rafe in the library. How close he was to her, the way his large hands slid just under her jaw, holding her in place, the smell of his cologne and how it lingered in the room around him. The kiss had literally taken Ivy's breath away as she gasped into it, not expecting him to lock his lips with hers. She leaned her head back onto the bathroom wall and let a puff of air escape her lips. She had kissed him back, Rafe was right, but she didn't know why she did, she just knew he had to stay away from her for the rest of the summer and if that meant she could no longer hang out with Sarah then she was just going to have to accept that. She had gone without friends the past two summers; she could do it again.

At Tanneyhill, Rafe sat down on the edge of his bed and anxiously tapped his feet on the floor, his thoughts whizzing in his brain. Less than an hour ago he was kissing someone he was supposed to hate in her library while their parents and his siblings sat in the living room.

"Fucking idiot" he whispered to himself, allowing himself to fall backwards onto his sheets below.

He looked up to the ceiling and sighed, the pair had never liked each other so why was this happening to him. He couldn't get her out of his head no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't stop thinking about the way her body felt so small in comparison to his and how her lips seemed to fit perfectly with his. He smacked his hands to his forehead and yelled in frustration.

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