Chapter Thirty-One - The Docks

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NSFW at the end guys. Only read if you're 18+ or skip if you're uncomfortable. Also I think I'm going to end this story in the next few chapters bc there isn't really much to write about after Ivy goes to college etc <3 

The device in Ivy's hand felt like a foreign object she had been staring it for so long

It's Rafe. I need to talk to you

She had read the words a thousand times, the letters starting to jumble together and not make sense. The whole thing seemed like some sort of prank. She had been blocked since the day their parents showed up at her house on the mainland, she knew this because she had checked for his accounts every day since. So what had changed she thought, had Ward suddenly fallen off the face of the earth, leaving Rafe to do as he pleased without the watchful eye of his father.

Despite the fact that Rafe pretty much got away with everything and did all the things that would prompt most parents to lock their children far away in a tower, it was confusing to Ivy that Ward's opinion on who his son dated was where he crossed the line. It got her thinking, was it her? Was she so bad that even with Rafe's constant antics, she was the worst possible person that Ward could think of for him? It was always about business for their fathers and with Leo so angry he could have killed Rafe for looking in the general direction of Ivy, Ward decided what was best for them was to separate the two completely.

As Ivy's train of thought derailed, another message popped up on her phone

Meet me at the docks tonight.

It was an ominous message, there had been radio silence for the past few weeks but now suddenly he wanted to meet with her, what could they possibly talk about? They were currently playing their parts in a very strange rendition of Romeo and Juliet, except instead of the two star crossed lovers dying at the end, one would go off to Harvard and live the rest of her existence committing to a career she did not want to do and the other would most likely snort his way into a casket, both plagued with memories of the summer they desperately tried to forget.

Nevertheless, Ivy responded to the message with a simple okay, her heart raced at the thought of being around him once more, of talking to him, just the thought of hearing his voice made the hairs on her arms stand up. She wondered what he had to say. Rafe was never one to apologise, the word sorry was never a word that left his mouth, but in doing this, was this his way of apologising?

Rafe had sent a message later on telling her to meet him at 7 o'clock, when the time rolled around Ivy felt herself feeling nauseous. In the back of her mind, Rafe would never be the good guy and that this was all some elaborate plan to humiliate her one last time. She swallowed her fears and took one last look at herself in her rear-view mirror before reversing out of the driveway and heading toward the docks.

The docks weren't anything special, there were an array of different fishing vessels, some beat-up boats that looked like they hadn't been boarded in years, with rust on the sides covering the paintwork that once read clever names. There were also beautiful boats that were so well kept you would have thought they had just been purchased if it hadn't been from the reckless scratches that some sported due to parents with way too much trust in their spoiled teenagers.

As Ivy walked down the docks in search of Rafe she heard the faint sound of music, one of the boats was having a party and on the stern stood the familiar face of Michael Douglas. Upon spotting the girl he pulled himself away from the get together that was presumably his and waved his glass to her prompting her to join them, she shook her head and pointed in a random direction so he wouldn't put two and two together of where she was going and continued on her way, finally reaching the secluded part where all the really expensive boats were kept and nobody was around she found the Cameron's docked Catamaran boat, this was their second boat. 'My Druthers' being docked at their private one at Tanneyhill. This boat was the one that Rafe would often take out on joyrides or Sarah would sneak onto if she needed a home away from home before she met John B.

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