Chapter Twenty Three - Silent Night

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Ivy could not remember the last time she had felt such a sense of dread and fear. Her mother's eyes filled with rage as she stared at her crying daughter who's wrist now had a slight imprint from the force Alexis had used to pull her inside of the home. Pacing up and down the hallway she exhaled loudly before letting out a furious groan. Dumbfounded and still in complete shock Ivy just let the tears fall, not knowing what to say, too scared to speak. Similarly, Alexis could not find the words to chastise her daughter without saying something that she knew she would regret. Not only had she been sneaking around with a boy, confirming all of her mother's suspicions but she had been going to the one place she was always told not to.

"I'm s-s-sorry" Ivy choked

Alexis held a finger up to stop her there "No. I don't want to hear it, Ivy. I do not want to hear a single word come out of your mouth right now, do you know what you've done? You've made a spectacle out of us in front of the whole neighbourhood. You've lost us some very dear friends and you have disobeyed everything we have ever told you about spending summers here. For what? A boy? A boy you don't even like? A boy you supposedly hate. God damn it Ivy you stupid girl"

Ivy's lip quivered; her mother was right. She had caused unnecessary drama all because she had started fooling around with someone she couldn't even stand to be around just a few weeks prior.

"Why the cut? You know why we don't go there" she growled

"No mom. I know why you don't go there; you don't want to remember your old life or see your family, but I do, I want a family that I get to see without someone having to die first and my friends there are better than any other people on this damn island"

Alexis pursed her full lips together "You don't know anything and those 'friends'? They're just going to get you into more trouble than it's worth. You have to choose your company wisely, you're going to Harvard in a month, you think any of those kids will be going to Harvard? Will any of them have to sacrifice everything if they get caught doing something illegal?"

"Choose my company wisely? And hang around will assholes who treat me like shit just because they have money? I thought you guys were happy that I was finally getting out, not spending my summer cooped up in my room" Ivy laughed

"You don't have a problem hanging around with Rafe" her mother hissed

She scoffed, no longer feeling upset but an intense feeling of anger bubbling in her core "You don't care about me at all, you only care about appearances. You don't want it known that your perfect daughter has been tainted by Ward Cameron's son and his wicked ways, you don't want it known that I've been hanging around the cut and you certainly don't want it known that your marriage is a big lie"

In a flash, Alexis' hand had reached out and smacked Ivy across the face. Both stood in shock, Ivy's cheek stinging as she looked at her mother in awe. No hint of remorse on her face.

"Get out of this house" she ordered

Outside of Tanneyhill Leo held Rafe up by the scruff of his shirt, livid and ready to beat the teenager to a pulp. Rafe's eyes were wide and alert, a clear sign that he wasn't sober in any way shape or form. The man looked in disgust at the boy in front of him, despite his friendship with his father he had never taken a liking to Rafe. He had always been trouble and the thought that he had gotten his hands on his daughter made his skin crawl.

"Come on Mr Rutherford, you don't wanna do that do you? My dad would be really unhappy if I came home in such a state. Your daughter already made my lip bleed" he teased

"You stay away from my daughter you little scumbag. Do you think I don't know you're high off your ass right now? Making a fool out of my family. I should kick your ass right here"

"I think it's your daughter that's caused all this hassle" Rafe smirked

Leo clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on the boy's shirt "You come near Ivy again and see what happens, I don't care who your father is. She's a smart girl she'll figure it out herself, you're no good"

Rafe gave a lazy smile, as if he had no fear despite his heart beating rapidly in his chest, a mix of the drugs and adrenaline coursing through his veins "She seems to think I'm pretty good"

With those words Leo had enough and threw Rafe to the ground, a loud thud sounding as he hit the pavement below "If I see you around her I will kill you. That's a promise" he hissed before stalking off back to his home, leaving the bruised and bloodied boy on the street outside of his house.

When Leo arrived back inside of his home his eyes looked back and forth between his wife and daughter who stood apart from each other staring in shock, Ivy's eyes were pricked with tears and there was a reddening mark on her cheek. She wiped her eyes and raced up the stairs slamming her door and grabbing a bag, throwing random clothes in, remembering her phone charger and purse. She could hear her parents arguing outside on the landing, but she didn't care, she needed out of the house, and she had to go now, not wanting to spend another second with her twisted sham of a family.

She pushed past the two adults who protested and tried to stop her, but she broke off into a sprint, fishing for her car keys in her bag, hopping into the driver's seat and speeding away. As she drove off from the street she spied Rafe on the sidewalk with his head in his hands, the sight of him made her eyes well up, he had truly ruined everything and as she drove off into the night toward the only place she could call home she sobbed loudly, letting the gut-wrenching sounds rip through the otherwise silent night air, her emotions taking over.

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