Chapter Twenty-Five - Family Problems

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A/N - Possessive Rafe in this chapter, also mention of violence, abortion and slight abuse

At Tanneyhill Rafe launched a random object across his room, screaming loudly as he did so. He was enraged and letting the whole home know it. Seeing Ivy with her ex had triggered such a wave of anger in him and it wasn't stopping any time soon, not after the talk he had just had with her father. Although his course of action wasn't the greatest he felt almost good about what he had just done, he had made her as upset as she had made him and with nothing else in the way she would have no other option to run to him, just what he wanted, he wanted her all to himself. In his mind, she was his and nobody else's. He had texted her multiple times however there was no reply yet. Just getting it out of her system he thought.

When he had finally settled down and was assessing the wreckage in his bedroom his door opened. He was met with the stormy face of his younger sister, it was not unusual for Sarah to go to his door in a mood when he was having one of his episodes, it usually kept her up. However, he was not aware that she had even been in the house when it was going on. He looked at her in annoyance and opened his arms in a gesture that silently asked 'What?'. She scoffed at the sight of her big brother's room before lunging toward him in a fit of rage, he held his arms up in an attempt to protect himself while she yelled and screamed at him incoherently. He couldn't quite make out what she was rambling until he heard Ivy's name mentioned and that's when he knew that Ivy must have come clean to Sarah about the two of them. Excellent, this would mean she wouldn't even have her friends to run to, his plan was falling into place piece by piece.

Grabbing his siblings arms as she thrashed them in an attempt to hit him he dug his fingers into her slender wrists, holding them in place. She looked up at him, a look of sheer betrayal on her face and the tears threatening to spill from her big eyes.

"You slept with my best friend what is wrong with you! You don't even like her!"

Rafe smirked at the words "What if I do Sarah!"

Sarah pulled away from him in disgust, her face contorting "You're sick Rafe, you don't even care! She got kicked out and everything. I can't even look at either of you right now"

"Then close your eyes little sis" he chuckled

Storming away through the messy room Sarah slammed the door of Rafe's bedroom leaving him once again alone in the wreck of a room that mirrored the inside of his thoughts.

The next morning Ivy sat across the breakfast table from her cousin who was not happy about her presence there. She had promised she would be out by noon and she would find a motel to stay in but her uncle had protested stating that she could stay for as long as possible. As nice of an offer this was, Ivy, didn't want to stay somewhere where 50% of the occupants were less than thrilled about her appearance.

When the family had finished their breakfast Ivy got up to do the dishes as a thank you. Isiah told Elijah to help dry them while he and Sasha got ready for work. Leaving the two cousins alone in the small kitchen.

Grabbing a sponge and dish soap she got to work cleaning the plates and handing them to her younger cousin "I know you don't want me here. I'm leaving later, I just had nowhere to go"

"I don't care that you're here. It's what happens if your dad finds out you're here" he grumbled

"He can't do much now, he knows I've been hanging around the cut anyway" she shrugged

Elijah sighed "Yeah. But not here. Not at this house"

"Why would that matter? We're family. I don't get this whole feud thing" she sighed passing a cup to him

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