Chapter Twenty Seven - First Date

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A/N - Mentions of violence in this chapter 

As 8'oclock rolled around Ivy slithered down the stairs, constantly checking around her to see if her parents were anywhere to be found. They had barely spoken at all since she had returned, the thought of speaking to her father made her angry after finding out about his treatment of her family and the thought of talking to her mother just irritated her.

Her heels clicked against the wooden floor, and she cringed at the noise as it echoed through the lonely hallway, as if she were announcing her presence to the home. Before her father could enter the hallway to ask her where she was going, the door was closed, and she was making her way down to Rafe's car that was parked further up the street.

Leo cocked his head to the side as he heard the sound of heels on the floor, putting down his paper he headed toward the doorframe.

"Leave her" Alexis murmured

"Why would I do that? She's not going anywhere if it's with that Cameron boy and certainly not if it's with those pogues" he spat

"Nothing you say or do is going to stop her. She's her mother's daughter" Alexis shrugged

"Yeah and we all know how that turned out" he grumbled, returning to the drinks cabinet at the corner of the room.

When Ivy opened the door Rafe was sure he had died and gone to heaven. She looked ethereal, her curls were pulled back into a slick low ponytail and her makeup was golden with a nude lip, flecks of shimmer decorated her warm skin and danced when the light hit them just right. She wore a white oversized shirt as a dress with the buttons opened but not too far and when she bent over to get into the car Rafe noticed just peeking through the starchy material he could spot the lace of her underwear. He felt unable to take his eyes off of her and so wished they didn't have dinner reservations to get to as he didn't think he could go so long without putting his hands on her.

"Stop staring Cameron" she chuckled

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't look so damn beautiful" he flattered

Ivy rolled her eyes "You told me to wear something sexy"

"Do I get to see what's underneath?" he teased

"Not yet no" she laughed causing Rafe to pout

They set off in the direction of the restaurant Rafe had made reservations at, however, he would not tell Ivy where they were going and why. When they finally pulled up to the fanciest restaurant in Kildare Ivy looked at him in annoyance, she didn't want to make such a big spectacle of them dating but she knew that both many of Ward and Leo's friends would be there. He smirked at her and turned the engine off, hopping out of his side and walking over to hers, opening the door for her.

"Why are you trying to act like a gentleman?" Ivy laughed

"Because I am" he said, feigning hurt

"Yeah right" she giggled, taking his arm, and walking into the packed venue

They sat in a secluded part in the back of the restaurant avoiding the stares of their father's peers and business associates, despite her actions this past summer. This somehow felt like the most scandalous thing that Ivy had done. This had been the first time the pair had actually gotten a chance to talk to one another rather than argue.

"So... Why'd you drop out of college?" she asked

Rafe widened his eyes as he took a sip of his drink "Wow, going straight for the big questions? You don't want to know my favourite colour?"

Ivy shook her head, a smile plastered on her face.

"Okay. It just wasn't for me, I'm not mature enough I think my professors said"

"That I can believe" she smirked

"So why law?" Rafe continued

Ivy shrugged "Stable career"

"And do you want to do it or do your parents want you to?" Rafe asked

"Ah, now who's going for the big questions. Well, I guess it kind of is for my parents. I'd like to do something with fashion, but I don't know. Gotta make everyone else happy I suppose" she said her smile now faltering slightly

Rafe gave a sad smile back before replying "My favourite colour is green by the way, like that bikini you wore on the boat that day"

"Are you trying to get into my pants, Cameron?"

"I don't need to try" he grinned cockily

The rest of the dinner was filled with laughter as the young couple discussed the pipeline of how much they hated each other just a few months ago to now sitting across from one another at dinner and not envisioning multiple ways to inflict harm on the other. When they finished their meal Rafe paid and begrudgingly left a tip due to Ivy's insisting, he pulled out her chair for her and laced his fingers with hers. Once they were out on the street he couldn't help but notice a group of men that looked just a few years older than he was, staring at Ivy with a certain look in their eyes that Rafe didn't take too kindly to. When Ivy noticed this she suddenly became very uncomfortable and nodded her head toward the car, gesturing for Rafe to leave.

One of the men whistled as Ivy walked away "Look at those legs. How much you pay her?" he said, his words making Ivy's stomach turn

"Can we go" she whispered, pulling at Rafe's hand

Rafe tensed his jaw, trying not to react, but when one of the other men shouted something he felt the rage bubble inside of him. He walked Ivy to the car and after she got in headed for the backseat to rummage around for something.

"Rafe? Rafe what are you doing" she called out

"Nothing babe I'll be right back. Stay here" he murmured, finding what he was looking for and brandishing a driver from his bag of golf clubs and holding it tight against his side.

He walked up to the group of men and suddenly noticed that they were holding liquor bottles, clearly drunk off their asses. This wasn't going to make him back down however and he held onto the club tighter. The man that had spoken first turned around and looked at him, about to make another snarky comment when Rafe swung the club. Hitting the man in the right shoulder with an excessive amount of force. The act of violence shocked the other men and they stood in silence before lunging toward the teen in front of them. The first man had just managed to get up, holding his shoulder as it throbbed in pain, Rafe swung the club again, hitting another of the men in the stomach this time, the next swing connected with the back of the thirds leg causing him to buckle. A crowd was now witnessing the attack and Ivy looked on in horror as she spotted a few of her father's friends from the restaurant coming to look. She knew this would have landed herself and Rafe in a lot of trouble and she called out to him, pleading for him to get back in the car. Her voice brought him back to reality, as though she was grounding him completely.

"If you ever so much as look in her general direction I will do so much worse than this" Rafe growled at the men before turning on his heels and running back to the car.

He turned the engine quickly and tore off down the street with no particular direction in mind, Ivy continued to look back at the scene, watching as the men were helped up off the ground by one another.

"You're fucking crazy" she breathed, a small laugh slipping through, she was no longer scared of this side of Rafe and in fact, she liked seeing him this way. 

Rafe looked over at her, his rage disappearing the moment he locked eyes with her and the two began laughing hysterically as though they had just left a comedy film and not the scene of an assault. They had no destination in mind and no desire to head home, the adrenaline coursing through both of their bodies being a natural caffeine boost, before they knew it they were whooping and cheering as they headed for the signs pointing toward the mainland. 

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