A New Life (22)

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We drove up to a hotel, that we made reservations for earlier that week, and got out of the car. We sent a car up here before our wedding that our luggage is in. We look around for the car, and we spot it across the parking lot. We walk into the hotel lobby and go to the front counter to check in. While Billie pays, and gets someone to help us carry our luggage to our room, i take of my heels, and veil, and sit down. I haven't had time to change into something more comfortable, so I'm still wearing my wedding dress. After about two minutes, Billie comes over and hands me our room key and says

"Are room is ready, and they are bringing our luggage up to our room now."

"Great!!" I reply as he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to our room.

|| Next Morning ||
This morning i woke up feeling great, feeling like i have a new life, feeling hope, and love. I felt amazing, and i was really glad. I feel Billie beside me as i hear him say "Good morning." I roll over, and i am facing him. "Good morning" i reply back, and i stretch and get out of bed. We get ready for the day, and decide to go shopping for food, sinse we only packed snacks. We go to our car and drive to the grocery store. We buy a lot of food, and decide to go to the 7-11. When we arrive, we remember when we met and walked to the 7-11 after the concert. We hop out of the car and walk into the building. We head over to the medicine isle. I skim the isle until I find what i am looking for, a pregnancy test. We check out, and head back to our hotel. After we put away some groceries, i go straight to the bathroom to use the test. I cross my fingers, and hoped and prayed. After about 3 Minutes, i peak out the door and call Billie inside. We look at the test and it says i am pregnant. Billie smiles and hugs me, and i start to cry tears of joy.

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