Best night (8)

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*in this story Billie is also single (just making it clear)*

As we are inside the bus, Billie asks me if i have anything to sleep in. I tell him that i don't have anything, so he walks over to the closet near the kitchen, and starts to dig through it, till finally he is holding a black t-shirt and sweat pants, and he tosses them to me. As i catch them, he says "Here, you can borrow a pair of my clothes, and a smirk appears on his face, which then turns into a big smile, and then starts to giggle, i start to giggle along, and shove the clothes into my bag, to change into later. "So since we are playing this area again, tonight, we all agreed that we should rent a room in a hotel, and sleep there instead of this crowded bus, and i was thinking how about we leave a room for Tré and Mike, and we rent out our own room, just for us, well thats if its okay with you?" Billie asks

" Oh that sound fun, its okay with me." I reply

"Great, lets get some drinks and snacks for the night, i heard there is a 7-11 just down the road, and i hear they don't close until 10:00 ."

He looks at his phone, and it says 90:05, "we still have time lets go!" And i quickly say "okay!"
I grab my bag, rush out the door, we tell the news to Tré and Mike, and start to walk down the dark, creepy looking road. I have always liked creepy looking things, but this, this was really creepy. It is also extremely cold out, and i start to shiver, and rub my arms, to try and keep myself warm, and i see Billie turn and stare at me, and he starts to un zip his hoodie and he puts it over my shoulders, and i hold it tight. He starts to walk even closer to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, holds me close, and we walk like this until we reach the 7-11.

We walked for about 10 minutes, until we are standing in the door way of the store, and Billie opens it, and says "ladies first" he starts to smile, i smile back, and i say, "Why thank you sir." In a British accent. And we walk inside.

Inside i run towards the candy isle, like a five year old running towards a new toy. Im trying to choose what i should buy. I find a giant pack of sour skittles, so i pick them up, and then walk over to the drinks, i see just what i wanted, an iced tea, and i open the cooler, that it's in and grab it.

After collecting my snacks, i reunite with Billie at the check out line, and put my stuff with his. I saw that he was going to buy an energy drink, and a bag of plain chips. "Don't worry ill pay." he says.

"No its okay i got it."

"no really i will pay for it, its okay."

"Really? Okay thanks." i reply

We pay, and grab our bags, and walk back outside, and start to walk towards a hotel, that was just a few blocks away.

As we are walking to a hotel, i feel his fingers brush against mine, and then i could feel him grab my hand, and then he puts his fingers between mine, and before i could imagine, i am walking down a street, holding hands with my idle, my inspiration, and the person i look up to, Billie Joe Armstrong. How did this even happen?

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