Journey continues (12)

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We leave the theater, and we walk to our apartment, and we get ready for the last show. I wear my GreenDay shirt, that i have bought a day ago, with my friends. I am also wearing my jeans, and converse, once more, and then we hop into the tour bus, and i sit across from Mike and Tré, and next to Billie, at the table, and we begin to drive to the show. I look at my phone, that is now fully charged, thanks to Billie, he is so nice. I forgot to thank him.

"Hey Billie, thanks for charging my phone."

"Your welcome" he replies

My phone has about 1000 texts from my friends. Becca, Sam, and especially Rachel, are going crazy, and want to know whats going on? and asking how the tour was. i also have 2 texts from my mom, she is asking when ill be home, and if i am okay. I reply to my mom, that I'm alright, and ill be home soon, and i reply to my friends about everything that has happened, but i leave out the date part.....OH YEAH! and the kiss, i feel that they should be told face to face because they probably wont believe me, and will probably freak out!!

Billie stands up and hands me a backstage pass, he says that i will probably need it, for the show, i say thanks, shake my head, and grab it from his hand. Tré asks me if i am enjoying my stay, i say that i am....(LIKE OF COURSE, IM WITH THE BAND GREEN DAY!.) Mike asks me what my favorite song is of theirs, and i tell him that i love all their songs, but i really like the part in the song Jesus of suburbia: tales of another broken home. We arrive at the stage, and the band gets set up, while i put down my stuff, and sit on a speaker, till Billie asks if i could give him the microphone stand that is behind me, i say "sure." jump down, grab the microphone stand, and hand it to him. he says "thanks, we are almost ready." and i sit and wait for about another 10 minutes, until its time for the show. They play the songs:
•american idiot
•basket case
•welcome to paradise
•letter bomb

and last they play: Jesus of suburbia, and i get really excited. They play the song until he gets to my favorite part, i can barely breathe. NO WAY!!! he then turns my way, and says my favorite lines: "i don't feel any shame, i wont apologies, when there ain't nowhere you can go, running away from pain, when you've been victimized, tales from another broken.....HOME....!!!" he turns back to the crowd and continues to rock, and sing, until the show is over.

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