Wedding Day (21)

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*Picture above is the wedding dress, hair style, and cake, that i have picked out*

Ive Been waiting my whole life for this day, I have always thought this day may never come, but it has, and i am so excited. My mom, and my friends are here in my room, helping me get ready. I have the dress on and i look in the mirror, and my mother, from behind me, puts the veil on my head and i smile and look down at her, then she smiles back, and i almost cry. But i don't, not wanting to ruin my makeup.

I hear one of my friends yell "The limo will be here in 5" and i fix myself a little more and i hear the limo pull up. I grab my flowers, and sweater, and jump inside of the limo, with my friends, and mom.

We get to the church, and we step inside, yet no one can see us, because we are inside a different room. The music starts and, my friends and their dates, Mike and Tré and their dates all walk down the isle,  and then stand aside, where Billie is standing. Then its my turn. Me and my mom lock arms, and we walk down the isle.

||Billie P.O.V.||
She looks so beautiful, walking down the isle, in her beautiful dress. I am so glad, that i am the one who is going to be her husband.

She meets up to me and i whisper
"You look beautiful" to her and she says "Thank you, you look handsome."
i smile and we face each other, and grab each others hands.

||My P.O.V.||
After most of the ceremony, i finally hear the words "Do you, Billie, take Kara, to be your wife, your partner in life, and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship, and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her? Will you cry, and laugh with her? Will you be there through the good and bad times, and in sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

I hear him reply "I do" and i smile and so does he. Now its my turn.

"Do you, Kara, take Billie, to be your husband, your partner in life, and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship, and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him? Will you cry, and laugh with him? Will you be there through the good and bad times, and in sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?" i reply softly, with a smile on my face, "i do"

"Now it is time to kiss the bride" Billie grabs me, dips me, and we kiss
"I now pronounce you husband and wife"

We end the kiss, everyone is standing and cheering, and we run down the isle, out the doors, with everyone now looking out the door at us. I hear the music and church bells. We hop into the car, where cans are hanging from, with flowers on it, and "Just married" written on the back window. We drive until we cant drive any more. As happy as we can be.

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