Tired Alright?" (9)

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We walked for about 10 minutes down the same, never ending road, well thats what it seemed, and i ask Billie for the time he said its almost 10:00. We finally reach the hotel, and i try to check out a room but i have to be 18 or older, so i ask Billie to do it for me, only because he's older than 18. We get a room and its on the 3rd floor, 2 rooms down from Tré, and Mike. We enter the elevator, until we reach our floor, and then we walk down the hall, and find our room. I was really excited to see how it looked. I use our key, to unlock the door. The room is pretty big, and it has a separate bedroom, a kitchen, a couch,a tv, and a double space bathroom,with two sinks, so two people could use it at once, which was kind of odd, but that really didn't matter. I walk over near the tv, where Billie is standing, and try to figure out what he is trying to do-

"What are you trying to do?"

"Oh umm, I'm trying to make this tv turn on, but i cant seem to make that happen."

"Well do u think i could help?"

"Sure come here, and hold this wire for me."

"K" and i rush over to help.

"He says okay now I'm going to........"

He pretends to get electrocuted , by the wires, and i believe it, and i gasp really loud'

He starts to laugh and says "hah yeah, I'm alright, i was just kidding!"
He then turns on the tv, it was working the whole time.

I get mad at him and punch him in the shoulder, but not hard, and then he grabs me, and starts to tickle me, then i start to laugh really loud.


And then he stops, and turns me so I'm facing him.
"Im sorry, are we still okay?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah we are, just don't do that again!" And then i smile at him.

And he smiles soon after, and we are both smiling together.

He says "hey want to watch a movie, and eat some snacks?
"Sure", i say and he puts in the disk.

While he is putting in the disk, i tell him that ill be right back, and that i have to go and change my clothes, and he says alright, and i go and change.
These clothes are way more comfy, and are very soft and warm, but just a little big.

As i walk out of the bathroom, where i was changing, i stand in the door way, and lift my hands up a little, from my sides, to show him how i look. He turns and look at me, and then smiles, and then i smile back, then we both plop on the couch with our snacks, and drinks, and i ask him:

"how did this even happen? Im sitting here with Billie Joe Armstrong, the king of punk rock."
He says "well some things are just meant to be."

Then we eat snacks, and watch movies until i become tired, and i fall asleep on his shoulder.

||Billies P.O.V||
Wow tonight was incredible, going to the store with her, getting this hotel, and sharing it with her, seeing her in a pair of my clothes, and better yet, looking at her when she is sleeping on my shoulder. She just looks so calm, so innocent, not full of worry, and beautiful. I look at the clock on the wall, and it says. 11:47. Wow its late, i better put her in bed. I remove my shoulder from behind her, and i pick her up, and plop her gently onto the bed, where i cover her up, tuck her in, and kiss her on her forehead, and whisper "Good night."

I then go plug in her phone, just because she might need it in the morning, and i take off my shoes, and lie in bed, right beside her, and i sleep next to her, until morning arrives.

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