Chapter 21

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To be continued...!

Dinah was confused about what Normani said Normani repeat what you said Dinah said in confusion I asked you if you think we could take care of two more kids Normani said she then grabbed Dinah and walked right back to were she was next to Maya, Maya introduced Dinah to Lexi, Lexi this is my mommy Dinah and you already met my mama Normani Maya told Lexi then Leon was sitting in the stroller babbling like all babies do but then he started fussing, screaming and crying which caused Lexi to scream and cover her ears Normani walked over to Leon and picked him up and rocked him back and forth slowly while humming a melody Dinah walked over to Lexi and picked her up and grab Maya's hand and walked over to the ice cream truck at the park.

Both Lexi and Maya were getting tired so Dinah went to Mani and said come on were going to head to the Mall buy some things for the girls and for the baby and then go to the store. Normani then put Leon back into the stroller and they both left the park with people staring at them Dinah looked at everyone and said what the fuck y'all looking at then everyone turned away quickly and went back to minding their business.

At the Mall

Dinah and Normani split up Dinah took Leon and Normani took the girls the first place Dinah went was a blinged out store for babies all the pacifiers and bottles where blinged out Dinah bought eight pacifiers then she went to the Gucci store and bought seven things from there she went to the Dior store and bought four bottles and then went to the Nike store and bought five things there.

Normani on the other hand had to buy a lot more clothes then Dinah she bought Maya and Lexi eight different outfits and eight different pairs of shoes when the girls left out of the last store they were in Maya grabbed her mama by the shirt and asked if they could go to Build- A- Bear workshop Mani agreed to take them both to Build A Bear Normani texted Dinah and told her to meet her at Build A Bear.

Dinah and Normani's message

Wifey💍🧸: Baby meet me at Build-A-Bear workshop because Maya wants a new bear 🧸.

Bubba🤤🥴: Why does she want a new bear for babe.

Wifey💍🧸: I don't know once we left the last store she asked if we could go so I told her yes.

Bubba🤤🥴: Well I'll meet you there in just a second I'm grabbing food for everyone.

Wifey💍🧸: Ok I'll see you soon I love you 😘.

Bubba🤤🥴: Luv you too wifey 🥰.

Normani was in Build-A-Bear and let the girls go pick their bears out and only two outfits Maya was the first one finished and Lexi finished afterwards they both decided that they should get one for Leon so they ran and found the cutest bear for Leon Lexi and Maya both went to go stuff the bear washed the bear and put clothes on the bear they both ran up to Mani and Yaya shoved her bear into Mani's stomach they checked out and left the store right when they walked out they were meet with a Dinah and baby Leon.

Their bears

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Their bears

Their clothes

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Their clothes

At the House 10:40pm

Both of the girls are in their room after a nice bath and dinner Maya and Lexi shared a room and Leon had his own room as the girls were finna get in bed Leon started crying Lexi knew exactly what her brother wanted Lexi looked at Maya and asked her to go downstairs with her to help her fix her brother's bottle Maya nodded her head in agreement to go downstairs and help out.

Yaya can you please give our brother a pacifier so he can calm down while I go make his bottle Lele asked yeah I can do that Yaya respond Lele ran downstairs grab the baby formula put it in the bottle and put the bottle in the bottle warmer right when it dinged she grabbed it and quietly rushed back upstairs Yaya was lying in the bed behind Leon and Lele also got in the bed and gave their brother the bottle and went to sleep.

Normani got out of the bed to check on Lexi,Maya,and Leon she went to the girls room first and they weren't there so she walked into Leon's room and she saw all three kids lying in the bed together she took her phone out and snapped a pic.

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Daddy Dinah (𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃!)Where stories live. Discover now