Chapter 17

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At London's house 7:30 am

London was digging around her house to find where she put her letters for Maya and the locket as well KYLIE!! Can you help me find the letters and the locket please I know I put them some where in this house London said out loud London have you looked in your attic Kylie yelled back to her London got up really quick and went upstairs to her attic and there she found the letters but not the locket Kylie Kristen Jenner London yelled Yes London Chanel Kylie yelled back while walking towards the attic to help London out I need help finding Maya's locket why don't you take a break and let's eat some breakfast you know Dinah and Normani run on their own time so they probably won't be here until later this afternoon Kylie suggested your right let's take a break and eat breakfast.

London and Kylie where cooking in the kitchen when Kylie went to go grab a spatula for the kitchen cabinet she saw something shiny in the cabinet ummm London is this the Locket we were looking for Kylie asked Omg yes that's it where did you find it London Asked it was in the kitchen cabinet where we keep the spatulas and other utensils Kylie responded Oh that's why I couldn't find it I gotta keep up with stuff let's finish up breakfast and put Maya's things in a bag.

In the Hansen and Kordei household 7:45 am

Maya is up early and playing on her table Normani is also awake and she goes to Maya's room to check on her Normani opens up her door and catches her halfway on her bed and half of her on the floor while she's playing on her table Papaya why are you halfway on your bed Normani asked I don't know Maya said with a shrug 🤷🏽‍♀️ ok well come on so we can eat and then bother nommy how does that sound Normani asked Maya fun lots of fun Maya said.

Mani and Maya are downstairs making pancakes for breakfast I likes Chocolate chips and Bananas in my pancakes Maya said and Mani agrees with her too mama what about mommy does she get some too Maya asked well ofc she does we can't make breakfast without making mommy breakfast too Normani said and bopped Maya's nose ok let's go to the kitchen table to eat breakfast and then we wash up and go bother mommy alright Normani said yep we eat and go see mommy right Maya said yes baby girl you want some yogurt with your pancakes or do you want eggs Normani asked Yaya ummm... eggs Maya said clapping her hands and jumping in her chair.

They both finished breakfast and Normani gave Maya a baby wipe to wipe her hands with because they were sticky Maya picked up her dish and put it in the sink Maya had to eat without her shirt on because Maya hates getting her clothes dirty when she eats Maya went back to her little table to grab her shirt but Normani stopped her and picked her up Papaya what this on your side Oh that is my birfmark it's on my leg to Normani lifted up Maya's left leg and seen the birthmark there oh ok well let's go upstairs and wake up mommy.

Normani and Maya were upstairs and Maya busted the door open with a big push and said mommy wake up me and mama made chocolate chip banana pancakes as Maya was getting ready to jump up again on the bed she felt someone grab her leg and take her under the covers and Maya was screaming because Dinah was tickling her and Normani was recording the beautiful moment alright Maya I'm up I'm up Dinah said good morning Mufasa Normani said good morning mama and mommy Maya said still laughing mommy can we go to the pool today Maya asked yea I guess but me and mama have to go get something in a few minutes and you'll be here at home Dinah said By myself Maya said while sniffing No,no not by yourself baby you're aunties will be here auntie Sza and Lolo will be here with you ok Normani said otay well I'll play with my Barbies and cars bye mama and mommy Maya said with a smile on her face.

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