Chapter 19

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Normani knocked on the door that lead to London's hospital room Kylie said from the room for them to come in as they walked in Maya went over to London's side and asked her if she's going to be ok.

London looked at Maya and said come up here and sit with me Normani Dinah and Kylie left the room to let them talk.

Maya can I tell you something and promise you won't run out London asked Yeah what is Maya said well this is hard to tell you but I'm not your sister I'm your Mother.

Maya just sat there shaking her head not believing a word that came out of London's mouth No your not my mama I heard that she died when I was born you can't be my mama Normani is my mama I don't know what to believe mama come here I need you.

Normani walks in the room and asks Maya what's wrong is this my mama Maya asked umm yes she is your mama Normani said then why is she not with mommy I don't get it Maya said Look your not going to understand until your older ok London said.

So what's wrong with you why are you  not at home Maya asked well it's because I'm sick London said why don't we just put a bandage 🩹 on it you'll get better right you gonna be here forever right Maya said with tears running down her eyes.

It's going to be ok I'm gonna to be fine Maya the doctors are doing everything they can to make me better I promise you everything will be just fine. Look take this necklace wear it forever and never take it off unless you're showering and if I'm not here forever just know I'm here in your heart and in the necklace London said Maya go outside with Auntie Kylie and your mommy please I'm going to talk to your Mother Normani asked Maya nicely.

Maya walked out of the room to be with her mom and Aunt and sat there in shock at the thought of her mother being in the hospital but doesn't understand anything about it. Normani look I went to court two days ago and told them if I die all my money I had goes to Maya but she's only five years old so I'm giving you the money spend it on all three of y'all and whatever you have save it for Maya or do whatever with it.

London can I talk to you about something just know even though I didn't know you I love you and I see how much you love Maya and I'll take perfect care of her I'll make sure she talks to you I know you care for her so if you get better I'll bring her to you and y'all can get to know each other more and talk to her about life even though she's still young it helps for her to understand now then when she gets older and doesn't understand why people treat her they way they do imma be here if you need me here's my number if you need anything London I got you Normani said.

Thanks Normani your very kind London said I learned from the best my mama always taught my to be kind to others no matter what Normani responded Well your mama taught you a beautiful lesson I wish my mama did the same though London replied you could learn on your own or I could teach you Normani said.

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