One last time 🥺 Cahpter 5

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3 Months later

Dinah was still in the hospital in a coma and Mani never left her side Normani laid next to Dinah and held her hand Normani looked at Dinah and she started talking to her she said. Dinah I love you I need you here I want you to be my girlfriend please don't leave so soon it will be so hard to live with out you I know we aren't together yet but I want to spend the rest of my life with you I wanna marry you have kids grow old together but I wouldn't be able to do that if your not here with me. Normani looked away from Dinah so she didn't cry on her but as she was crying she felt a hand wrap around her waist she turned around and she saw Dinah with her eyes wide open Normani cried harder when she looked at Dinah. Mani got up out of the hospital bed and called for the nurse to tell him, Dinah was awake.

Kehlani's POV

My cousin texted me and told me, Dinah woke up I yelled in excitement and woke up Lauren she walked in my room and said bitch why tf you yelling for bro. I told her that Dinah woke up from her coma jackass and we are going to visit her because I miss her dumbass now Lo go get your ass in the dang shower fool as I yelled at Lauren to go shower. Once Lauren got out of the shower I ran right into the bathroom to shower myself as I got out the shower I asked Lauren if she was ready so we could leave.

Lauren's POV

I was woken up by Lani's loud ass so I walked into her room and asked her why tf she was yelling for she told me, Dinah woke up from her coma that she was in. Lani told me to go shower so we can see Dinah she's been in that hospital and I know she's probably ready to go home after being there for a while now. I hopped in the shower when I got out Kehlani pushed me out of the way so she could shower Kehlani yelled from the bathroom and asked if I was ready and I yelled back that I was ready I grabbed my car keys off the kitchen counter and waited for Lani to bring her ass downstairs on our way to the hospital we stopped by Starbucks and ordered us something to drink.

Normani's POV

I'm still in the hospital lying next to Dinah I turned to her and apologized to her I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything about it I looked into her eyes with tears in my eyes she looked at me and said it's ok don't apologize it's not your fault you didn't know don't beat yourself up about it. When she said that I wish that her being shot never happened I didn't want to look at her because I wanted to scream my ex-girlfriend put the person I care about in the hospital promise when I see her imma kick her ass.

Dinah's POV

I was in the hospital I've finally woken up it feels like I've been here forever when I woke up I saw Normani at my side on the bed she was crying I looked at her and asked why are you crying but all she said was I'm sorry 💔 so sorry I told her to stop apologizing for something you didn't don't beat yourself up. She turned away from my words and sobbed I realized that she looked angry like she wanted to scream I told her to come here and sit next to me I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her forehead and told her I loved her.

Daddy Dinah (𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃!)Where stories live. Discover now