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"I'm getting tangerines, anyone want some?" Harry asks, pushing himself up from the sofa.

"Yea," Zain says, tipping his head back to smile at Harry. Harry grins back at him, looking slightly giddy like he usually does these days.

"Kay," Harry says, leaning down to peck Zain's lips before going off to the kitchen.

"Oh my god!" Gemma says, making Zain look up from his phone.

His whole family is staring at him, making his cheeks flush abruptly when he realises why.

"You're together and don't tell anyone?" Gemma asks, shaking her hand at him.

"Er," Zain says, awkward. "We forgot?"

"Of course you forgot!" Gemma says, loudly. "You've been married since you were like two years old. I cannot believe you!"

"It just happened, we meant to tell you!" Zain argues. "We just forgot! You've been super annoying all day; first the decorations and then the presents! We just forgot!"

"How can you forget to tell us!" Gemma exclaims, throwing her hands up.

She seems to be the only one upset at least, Safaa completely disinterested and their mums already tipsy with mulled wine, giggling into each other's shoulders.

"What are you arguing about?" Harry asks, his mouth full of fruit as he comes back out of the kitchen. "Is it the baubles again?"

"We forgot to tell them we're together," Zain explains, his face heating.

He's never really said those words. They've just...been. He's pretty sure most people who know them at uni think they've been together before and it wasn't all that different, except Harry was even more in his space. And the kisses. And the sex. Which were nice. So nice.

He shakes his head, clearing his throat and hope no one can read his mind.

"Oh, yea," Harry says, falling onto the sofa beside Zain and handing him a piece of tangerine. "You're upset about it?" he asks, wrinkling his nose at Gemma.

"We're not even surprised," Doniya says drily. "Gemma just doesn't like feeling out of the loop."

"They could have at least mentioned it," Gemma defends herself. "I feel like they should have mentioned it."

"Shush," Mum says, clearing her throat. "Gemma, don't give them a hard time now. It must have been difficult taking their marriage to the next step after 18 long years," she breaks off in giggles. The others join and even Baba snorts.

"Mum!" Harry exclaims. "Stop drinking, you're being mean!"

"You forgot to tell us, so we get to make fun of you," Waliyha shrugs, her mouth full of biscuit. "But since this is the opposite of a revelation, can we go back to watching the film?"

"Good idea," Baba says, smiling at her and then at Zain.

Harry huffs, handing Zain another piece of tangerine.

"You're all annoying, maybe this is the reason we didn't tell you," he lies, leaning further against Zain.

He's ignored, Gemma starting the movie back up.

"We'll just not invite them to our wedding," Harry says quietly, starting to peel another tangerine.

"Wedding, huh?" Zain tries to tease but it comes out softer than he means.

Harry tilts his head back, kissing Zain's jaw, smiling. "You know what I mean," he shrugs.

Zain does know what he means, the knowledge settling softly at the bottom of his stomach, heavy and weightless at once. He leans his head against Harry's and takes the tangerine slices Harry hands him. Mum was right. This is nothing new, just the next step in their lives.



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