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"Do you want me to take him?" Trisha asks, setting a glass of juice in front of Anne.

Zain's curled up at Anne's side, patting her belly curiously like he has been doing since the first time they showed him that the baby was kicking and moving around in Anne's belly despite the Christmas tree already set up with all the presents underneath.

Doniya and Gemma had tried to sneak beneath the tree twice already, giggling and shaking the boxes until Trisha had managed to shoo them away. But Zain had only had eyes for Anne's belly since he'd realised it moved sometimes.

"He's fine," Anne says, stroking Zain's hair and smiling down at him when he looks up at her. "Aren't you, my angel?"

Zain pats her belly in response, clumsy the way he still is. He was a quiet one, large curious eyes and patiently watching whatever his sister was up to, or what his baba was doing. And now waiting for the baby to kick again.

"Won't it be wonderful if they get along?" Anne asks, taking the juice Trisha is offering her, taking a slow sip. "Like Gemma and Doniya do."

"Maybe not too much like Gemma and Doniya," Trisha laughs, throwing a glance at the two girls who were doing something she did not want to consider too much, whispering and one of Doniya's doll's looking like it was about to be crucified. "Always getting up to mischief, those two."

"Zain's such an angel," Anne says lightly "I'm sure they'll be the calmer duo, right, love? You'll teach him to be as patient as you."

"Inshallah," Trisha invokes, watching Zain poke at Anne's belly like he is trying to get the baby — Harry or Megan, depending — to move, making his little baby noises. "He's probably just biding his time, though, waiting for his partner in crime, hm, Zain?"

Zain turns to look at her at his name, his hand still on Anne's belly, all long lashes and chubby cheeks, babbling at her. Trisha leans down to blow a kiss to his cheek, making him giggle and shriek. She pulls him back with her onto his lap to give Anne some space, jiggling him slightly.

Zain shrieks in protests, leaning forward to put his hands on Anne's belly again, giggling when the baby kicks again like it knows Zain is there.

"Soon, Zain," Anne tells him, smoothing her hand over Zain's hair when Zain looks up at her with a small frown. "Your friend will be here soon."

Zain makes a gargling noise and then decides he's had enough of Anne's belly, letting himself fall to the side and face-planting in Trisha's chest. Trisha smoothes down his hair and watches him fall asleep while Anne tries to keep their daughters from murdering their dolls - or bathing them. It isn't too clear. She couldn't be happier to have moved here and have found a new friend right next door.


a short series with baby zarry — as requested 😘
one chapter a day counting down to Christmas (or - more importantly - to when I will have a few days off😉) — like an advent calendar

starting out small because Harry's not even born 😉 Hope you enjoy 🎄⭐️

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