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"What are you playing, babies?" Doniya asks, cocking her hip.

"We're not babies!" Harry protests, frowning up at her with his mouth open.

Gemma rolls her eyes. "Answer the question, dummies!" she demands impatiently, starting to poke at the chairs they have arranged.

"Wedding," Zain answers, carefully making sure their stuffed toys on the floor of their bedroom are all neatly aligned.

"Who's marrying?" Doniya asks, pulling her nose up. "Your stuffies?"

"Harry and me," Zain tells her, patting Tigger in satisfaction. "They're our guests. Mummy promised cake for the celebration. Look, Harry's got his mehndi!"

Harry proudly shows off his hands, red and green swirls drawn on them, turning his palms up and down to make sure the girls see all of it, smiling his biggest smile.

"Where's your veil?" Gemma asks sceptically. "You can't have a wedding without a veil."

"Yea," Doniya nods, grinning slightly. "Isn't a proper wedding without a veil."

"We don't have a veil," Harry says, pouting and turning to look at Zain, his lower lip wobbling.

"Don't cry," Zain says worriedly, patting his head.

Gemma and Doniya rolls their eyes at each other, smirking slightly.

"So make one," Doniya suggests with a grin.

"Make one?" Zain asks hopefully, still petting Harry's hair. Harry clutches at Zain's arm, sniffling.

"Yea," Gemma nods with narrowed eyes. "You just got to find some nice fabric and cut it in the right shape. That's how you make stuff, we learned it in school."

"Really?" Harry asks, perking up and letting go of Zain. Zain never likes it when Harry lets go of him, but it's good that Harry isn't longer upset.

"Yea," Doniya nods. "I can lend you my scissors. I mean, it's a bit hard finding fabric for a veil cause it's gotta be pretty and lacy, you know."

"A bit like the curtains in the living room!" Gemma says thoughtfully, tapping her chin.

"I guess it's just pretend, it would do," Doniya nods, smiling at them widely. "Come one, I'll get you my scissors."

"Thank you," Harry says excitedly, grabbing Doniya's hand and following her out with a slightly skip in his step.

"Are you sure we can use the curtains?" Zain asks worriedly, trailing after them and biting his lips. "Mummy likes the curtains."

"Of course," Gemma nods resolutely, taking Zain's arm to get him to hurry up. She was always bossy, even more than Doniya. "Mummy allowed you cake, she wants it to be a proper wedding."

"I guess," Zain nods, letting himself be dragged along. He does want it to be a real wedding because Harry would be upset otherwise and he doesn't like Harry being upset.

Gemma and Doniya are giggling when they make it to the living room, like they do when they have a secret they don't want Zain and Harry to know. Zain eyes them distrustfully. Sometimes they will do things that get all of them in trouble. But Harry is happy and too enthusiastic with the scissors so he has to watch to make sure he doesn't cut himself.

"Careful!" he says when Harry starts pulling at the curtain and almost pokes himself with the scissors.

"I am!" Harry protests, grinning at Zain and showing all his teeth. "Look!"

The piece of curtain Harry has cut is ragged and very large, but it looks like a proper veil when he puts it on, falling over his face.

"Pretty?" he asks, smiling at Zain through the lace.

"Very pretty," Zain nods and takes the scissors from Harry because Harry always forgets himself.

"Zain Javadd Malik!" Mummy yells and Doniya and Gemma burst into laughter. "What have you done to the curtains!"

Zain turns to look at his mummy. He doesn't like disappointing mummy, it always makes his chest feel tight. Harry hides behind Zain, pressing his face into Zain's back.

"Harry needed a veil, Mummy," Zain says looking at her with wide eyes. Sometimes mummy was just surprised when she sounded mad.

"Doniya and Gemma said it was ok!" Harry exclaims, pointing at them and peeking past Zain. "It wasn't Zain!"

"Don't tattle, you baby!" Gemma snaps.

"I'm not a baby!" Harry screeches, clutching at Zain. "I'm a bride!"

"You're not a bride!" Doniya yells back. "You're a baby!"

"I'm not a baby, I'm a bride! A bride!" Harry yells while Mummy sighs, taking the scissors from Zain and stroking a hand over his hair.

"Are not! Your mehndi looks stupid!" Gemma snaps.

"Mummy!" Harry wails, finally realising that Mummy was right there, looking up at her with wet eyes.

"Quiet, all of you!" Mummy says firmly, putting a hand on Harry's head with a sigh. "Whose idea was it to cut the curtains?"

"Doniya said we could! And Gemma!" Harry tattles immediately. He always talks too much, it's why Doniya and Gemma would never let them play with them. "And I got Doniya's scissors!"

"My darlings," Mummy sighs, crouching down. "You can't cut up my curtains, no matter what your sisters tell you. No matter what a pretty bride you make, baby," she adds, cupping Harry's face between her hands, kissing his nose through the veil. "Yes?"

"Sorry, mummy," Zain says, hanging his head.

"I know, baby," Mummy sighs. "Let's have that wedding then, the cake is almost done and we wouldn't want the curtains to be ruined in vain, hm?"

"Yes," Harry nods, hopping slightly on the spot in excitement. "Look, my mehndi!"

"Very pretty," Mummy nods, standing up again. "Come on, you two," she adds. "Let's have a wedding."

"A Christmas wedding is the most romantic, na?" Harry asks, skipping up the stairs. "It means our wedding will be the best wedding."

"Of course," Mummy agrees, squeezing Zain's hand when he reaches up to how hers. He likes holding his mummy's hand. Not like Harry who always wants to run ahead.

"You excited for your wedding, sunshine?" Mummy asks as Harry shoos Gemma and Doniya around. He was bossy like them.

"Yea," Zain nods. "Harry likes it."

"Yea, he does, doesn't he?" Mummy nods.

"Zain!" Harry demands, twirling slightly to make his veil swish around. "You have to come here!"

"Best go," Mummy says.

Zain grins at her, rushing up to Harry. They have planned this wedding all day, it would be perfect and then they could spend all their time together forever.


some of u might already know this from instagram, sorry. also finally entering zarry pov, yay.

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