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Harry is holding Waliyha, who is always trying to wiggle away. Mummy says Harry was just as wiggly as a baby but that's not true, he's sure. Harry's always been good and not annoying, not matter what Gemma and Doniya say.

"Harry," Gemma says, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm Mary, you can't be Mary!"

"No, I am Mary," Harry says, shaking his head and lifting Waliyha a bit higher when she slips.

"No, dummy," Gemma says. "We said earlier you have to be one of the wise men and I am Mary!"

"No," Harry says, clutching at Waliyha when Gemma tries to take her away. "I have the baby and I am Mary! And Zain is always my husband never yours!"

"Because you're always playing house without us," Gemma argues, "because you're still babies and don't know how it works!"

"I know, too!" Harry protests, stepping back when Waliyha starts crying. "Now she's crying because of you!"

"No, you!" Gemma snaps. "She's not a doll, you baby."

"You pulled her!" Harry yells. He'd never pull at Waliyha, he knows how to take care of her because Mummy always showed him when everyone was at school. Gemma never looked after her.

"Harry," Mummy says with a sigh, taking Waliyha from him. "I told you to leave her asleep."

"But she's Baby Jesus!" Harry explains, following mummy when she takes Waliyha back to her sleeping spot. "We're playing Nativity and I'm Mary and I need a baby!"

"You need a baby, huh," Mummy says, sounding a bit amused. Harry doesn't know why because it was a serious issue. They needed a Baby Jesus because they were playing it like in school. "Take one of your dolls, Waliyha isn't a toy, love, you can't just drag her around."

"I know she isn't," Harry tells her. He knows. It's just nicer with a real baby not a pretend one.

"Hm," Mummy says, kissing his head. "I thought you were playing football today? You told me about it after school."

"It's dark, mummy," Harry explains. Adults were so silly. "We can't play outside when it's dark."

"Right," Mummy says with a nod, like she forgot. "Go on, get one of your dolls then."

"My doll so I'm Mary," Harry tells Gemma, just so she knows.

"No!" Gemma says, following him. "You're a Wise Man! We said!"

"But I don't wanna be! We can ask Zain who he wants as Mary!" he adds triumphantly.

"That's not fair!" Gemma says, pulling at Harry's shoulder to get past him. "He always agrees with you!"

"Yes, because he's my best friend!" Harry calls after her. "Mine!"

He has to hurry to get to Zain because Gemma knows how to bribe Zain with her share of Christmas biscuits and he doesn't want to be a Wise Man he wants to be a Mary with the baby.

"Zain, I'm Mary," he says bursting into the living room where Zain is helping Doniya arrange their stuffs. "Tell Gemma!"

"Zain," Gemma says. "He can't be, I am Mary. I'll give you all my ginger nuts! until Christmas!"

Zain looks at them and Harry can see him considering the ginger nuts, he always likes them. He sits down next to Zain and takes his hand. "I'm Mary," he tells Gemma again.

"Harry's Mary," Zain says.

Harry grins at Gemma in triumph, sticking his tongue out at her. Zain like him best, he knows, and stupid ginger nuts were never enough to distract him.

"Mummy took Waliyha," he tells Zain. "But I'm gonna get Poppy so she can be the baby."

"Okay," Zain nods, looking a bit disappointed. Harry knows it's because of the ginger nuts.

"You can have my ginger nuts forever," he tells Zain, patting his shoulder. "Be right back," he adds, shooting a distrustful glance at Gemma and Doniya who are whispering in the corner. Maybe they were plotting to get Zain on their side.

"I'm Mary," he tells Zain again.

"Yea," Zain agrees, shooting him a smile.

"Good," Harry nods and rushes to get his doll.


Harry's turning into a jealous little thing and Zain's whipped.

do they know it's christmas? [zarry] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now