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"Jingle bells, jungle bells," Harry sings, pressing the doorbell. "Jingle all the way. Hi!"

"Hi, Harry," Yaser says. "You done with school already?"

"Of course," Harry nods, tugging at his backpack. "Is Zain still ill?" he asks, pushing past Yaser and kicking off his shoes. "Miss gave me his homework because Liam will lose it, I told her, and she said I could take it to him instead because I'm going here anyways."

"Mhm," Yaser makes, taking the gloves and scarf Harry hands him to put away.

"And I made him a card in crafts today so he'll feel better really quick. Sir said that's what you do when someone's ill. What's for tea? I'm really hungry," he adds, standing on his tiptoes to hang up his coat.

"Trisha made soup," Yaser says, rubbing a hand over Harry's hair.

"Chicken?" Harry smiles, looking up at Yaser. "Chicken is Zain's favourite."

"It is," Yaser nods. "Go on, wash your hands and you can say hello to Zain. Where did you leave the girls?"

"Dunno," Harry shrugs, grabbing his backpack, running up the stairs. He'll wash his hands and then go show Zain everything he's missed. "They were giggling so I went ahead. They're always really slow."

"Don't get distracted," Yaser calls after him. "Tea will be any moment!"

"Yes!" Harry calls, dumping his backpack by Zain's room and rushing to wash his hands.

Christmas was always so much fun and he loves singing all the songs, but he doesn't like doing it without Zain so much. And there were all the biscuits and the holidays that means he can spend all day with Zain not just recess and everyone was home and happy.

"Hi," he calls, dragging his backpack behind him into Zain's room. "I brought you everything from today! Miss says to feel better," he tells Zain, who's still lying in bed. He hops onto the bed beside Zain, patting his hair and kissing his forehead like mummy always does with him when he's ill.

"Hi," Zain says, sounding wretched like yesterday, coughing slightly. Harry pats his chest.

"And I made you a card," Harry remembers, pulling it from his backpack. It's slightly creased but that's okay because everyone always says that it's the thought that counts and Harry's old had good thoughts for Zain, ever. "Look, it's go all your favourite stuff," he says handing it to Zain.

"Thank you," Zain says.

"You're welcome," Harry nods, crossing his legs. "Do you want me to read to you? I can read read Mrs. Noodelkugel, you like that."

"After tea, love," Trisha interrupts, pushing the door open with her food. "Go downstairs, the girls are here and we're eating."

"But I wanna eat with Zain," Harry tells her, frowning at the tray she is carrying. It only has one bowl.

"I'm going to stay with him, he won't be alone," Trisha says. "Go on downstairs."

"But-" Harry says but Trisha raises her eyebrow the way she does when she means business. Harry pouts, kicking his toe against his backpack slightly.

"You can come back after you've had your tea. I'm sure Zain would like some company, right, sunshine?"

"Yea," Zain nods, cuddling into his mummy when she sits down next to him.

"Okay," Harry says, hanging his head. He wants to cuddle with Zain as well. Instead, he has to go downstairs to the girls who are loud and annoying and Yaser who would be too distracted by Waliyha to pay him any attention.

"Oh, darling," Trisha sighs, cupping his cheek. "You'll be right back, don't be sad."

"Yea," Harry nods, shooting a last glace at Zain who did not look at all upset that Harry was leaving already. "I'll be really quick. Bye."

"Bye," Zain says and sneezes.

Harry wrinkles his nose. Maybe it was good he was away fora bit. But just a bit. Then he'd be back and keep Zain company and read him his book.


there u go

do they know it's christmas? [zarry] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now