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"Hi," Harry grins, clutching something to his chest as he walks — skips really — up to Zain.

"Hi," Zain says, stuffing his hands into his jacket pocket and starting their way home, shooting Harry a glance.

Harry always was happy after school, but he was especially giddy today, bumping his shoulder against Zain's every other step.

"What's up?" Zain asks, kicking a stone to the side.

"I got a Christmas card," Harry bursts out, giggling right after and jumping slightly. "From Jamal! Can you believe he gave me a card?"

"You get lots of cards every day," Zain says, kicking another stone.

"But not from Jamal, Zain!" Harry says, shaking Zain's arm for a moment. "Everyone likes him, he is really really handsome and he is so cool, he has a PlayStation and all the games and he is so good at football, I know you say. And he knows how to skateboard! And he said my nails are pretty," he adds, bashful, showing Zain his nails again like Zain hadn't been the one who had to paint his left hand last night.

Zain grunts in agreement. Jamal was pretty cool even though he was a grade below. Everyone in his class wanted to play football with him or go skateboarding with him. He didn't know Harry wanted that as well.

"I'll have to get him something as well, it would be sad otherwise. I'll ask Mum if we can bake, I'm sure he'd like that," Harry chats on.

"Yea," Zain nods whenever Harry pauses for breath, chatting about Jamal all the way home.

"I got a card from Jamal, Mum!" Harry announces as soon as Anne pulls the door open.

"Yea?" Anne says, running her fingers through Harry's hair. "That's exciting. You can put it up with the other cards and then go wash your hands."

"Cool!" Harry nods, rushing off, still bouncing with excitement.

"And you?" Anne asks, cupping Zain's cheek because she knows he doesn't like his hair being touched. "What's got you gloomy?"

Zain shrugs.

She sighs, kissing his cheek. "Go wash your hands. He'll forget all about his card soon enough, love."

"I know," Zain frowns. He isn't sad about the card. That'd be weird.

"Of course," Anne says, rubbing his back and shooing him inside. "I made chicken for dinner, how does that sound, love?"

"Good," Zain shrugs.

"Good," Anne says, kissing his cheek. "Go on then. We'll have a nice tea and then you can play PlayStation until your mum is home."

"Yea, thanks," Zain says, shooting her a smile and hugging her back for a moment.

Harry would love playing PlayStation all afternoon and maybe he'd stop talking about Jamal. He wouldn't have time to bake if they were playing either and then maybe it would just be a Christmas card and Harry would not hop around happy about it anymore.

"I put it next to the one from grandma!" Harry says, rushing into the kitchen. "It looks so nice. Oh, chicken!" he adds, jumping slightly with his hands on the counter. "Chicken is yum. Yum."

"It is, love," Anne says, "but try and settle down. Zain, go and get the girls. Waliyha and Safaa are in their room."

"Okay," Zain says, glad he doesn't have to listen to Harry chat about Jamal any more. And Gemma and Doniya wouldn't want to listen to him chat all dinner either, so they'd change the topic quick.


Idea credit to nuttyzarry

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