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"It'll be fine," Harry says turning in a circle twice as he tries to get them settled. "It's an old movie, they're never scary," he adds, putting the bowl of popcorn on Zain's lap and setting the bowl of crisps next to Zain.

Zain's not too sure about that but he can deal with scary movies. They're pretty grown up already, and Zain even more so than Harry. But Harry's always been really jumpy in movies and always said before he wouldn't be scared.

"We could just watch another one," Zain shrugs.

"No, they're classics. We should watch a classic," Harry insists like that meant anything.

"So, have you decided which?" Zain asks, holding up the two DVDs they had borrowed from Anne's boyfriend. "The Birds or Psycho?" 

"Psycho," Harry says, mining stabbing someone and imitating the soundtrack. "It's a classic. Tommy says it's good."

"Tommy has shit taste half the time," Zain rolls his eyes, handing the DVD across. 

"Might the the half he's right," Harry grins, putting the DVD in impatiently and grabbing the packet of Maltesers before falling onto the sofa next to Zain and putting his feet up on the table. 

"It's so great that Gemma and Doniya are at uni," Harry says, pulling his blanket towards him. "They'd never let us have the telly otherwise."

"Harry," Zain sighs. "Stop talking, the movie's starting already." 

Harry huffs a breath. "Nothing is happening yet and you'll fall asleep any second anyways. You always fall asleep."

"I don't," Zain denies, yawning. It was true though. "Well," he admits, sinking deeper into the cushions. "If I do you can still hold my hand when you get scared."

"I won't get scared, I told you," Harry protests and then shushes him immediately. 

Zain rolls his eyes. The old-fashioned accent is weird and the slow pacing is making him even more sleepy, even though it was supposed to be suspenseful and all that. 

He doesn't even notice himself drifting off until Harry jumps next to him, grabbing Zain's arm. He grunts, sitting up sluggishly. "Wha?"

"Nothing," Harry says, his voice slightly high-pitched. "I just got startled."

"Sure," Zain says, trying to figure out what was going on on screen. He yawns, scratching his nose with his free hand and linking his fingers with Harry's. 

"You can go back to sleep," Harry says, not taking his eyes off the telly and squeezing Zain's hand. "You missed most things anyways."

"Kay," Zain agrees easily, adjusting the pillow slightly, yawning again, falling asleep to suspenseful music and Harry's squeaking in startlement once more. 


idk what to do with them so... here we go

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