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Mia's pov

I was always nervous when it came to performing. Though recently, It gained me some confidence. I normally started the song, so I had to most responsibility.

I had the spot light on me. It was hard to see anything. but across the room, I could see Timmy as he beamed towards me.

Timothée's pov

As I beamed towards Mia, the music started and the spotlight was on her.

But as the music started, and Keith vocalised. My face became surprised, I couldn't see mia genuinely liking this music.

She's too jazzed up for this more modernised music. But she seemed to be enjoying it, that's why I was so confused.

Don't get me wrong, it was catchy. But it wasn't her. It wasn't her style at all. And If any knew her this well? It was me. The music was really enjoyable, but Amy sound that she made was kind of blocked off. Like they were intentionally trying to cover up her intentions for Keith's band.

This was not like her at all. She was now sat playing the electronic keyboard and everything was changing. As people pushed their way to the front of the stage, I was being shoved and made to disappear to the back of the room.

I could no longer see mia. I was too far back to even catch a glimpse of the stage.

*during the fall/autumn*

My dreams were becoming reality. I had just finished designing my posters for my show. They were to be sent to the owners of the theatre and the directors who were coming to view it.

As I sat in the Chinese restaurant, a couple blocks down from my house, I admired the lanterns and the LED lights that surrounded the inside.

As soon as I was ready to leave, I packed up my stuff, put my laptop in my bag and headed to mia's.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled her number.

Me:" hey its me, ummmm...I'm not sure where you are right now? I assume something like Boston? Maybe dallas? I don't know. Uhhhh- I haven't heard from you in a little while. And I miss you.....alright, bye."

I hung up the phone. I felt the longing for her touch, for the feeling of when she was near.

The streets began to quieten down and I'd never felt more alone. When we were together, I thought I'd never have to feel that again? But I guess not.

As I grab the keys from my pocket, but before I was able to, I could hear music coming through the door.

I open the door and it wasn't locked anymore. I shut the door and peer around the corner. The table was set and candles were lit. She walked around the table placed food onto the table. As she turned her body towards me, she practically jumped out of her skin.

Mia:" I didn't realise what time it was....but Uhhhhh.....surprise?"

A smile plastered across my face. I walked straight over to her.

Mia:" I have to leave early in the morning but-"

I took her face and held her close. I kissed her lips gentle, but full. I had missed her awfully. I couldn't even explain how much.

We sat down opposite each other.

Me:" I'm so glad you're home."

Mia:" Me too. Also...How's the play going?"

Me:" um...good. I'm a bit nervous."

Mia:" why?"

Me:" because....what if people don't show up?"

Me:" 'fuck em'."

I smile and playfully role my eyes.

Me:" I'm just nervous having to get up on a stage and perform in front of people. But I don't really need to say that to you."

Mia:" it's gonna be great."

Me:" you don't get it. But I'm, terrified."

Mia:" they should be so lucky to see it.....I mean, I can't wait."

Me:" I can....when do you leave? In the morning?"

Mia:" yeah. Six forty know, you should come with me?"

Me:" I wish I could. What are you doing after the tour?"

Mia:" why can't you?"

Me:" what? Go to boysie? Because....I have to rehearse."

Mia:" well yeah, but couldn't you rehearse anywhere?"

Me:"anywhere you are?"

Mia:" I mean- I guess."

Me:" well, all of my stuff us here and it's in two weeks, so..."

Mia:" okay."

Me:" I wish I could. I really do. But I can't."

Mia:" I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we'll see each other next?"

Me:" yeah. When are you done?"

Mia:" what do you mean?"

Me:" like when will you finish your tour?"

Mia:" well after we finish our tour, we're back to recording and then we're back OK tour Again. So every time a new record sells, we're back, touring again."

Me:" so it's like, the long haul?"

Mia:" what do you mean 'the long haul'?"

Me:" I mean, as in, the long haul, as in you're gonna stay in this band for a long time? On tour."

Mia:" I mean, what did you think I was gonna do?"

Me:" well, in my defense, I thought you were gonna get the money and open your club? As in, I didn't think the band was gonna be-"

Mia:" what? You didn't think the band was gonna be successful?"

Me:" ummmm..... no? I wasn't implying that all. I just meant that you're gonna be on tout now, for what? Months? years?"

Mia:" yeah. I mean, this is it. I mean, I could be on tour for years, for just this one record. I don't know."

Me:" do you even like the music you're playing?"

Mia:" I don't- I don't know. Does it matter?"

Me:" well, yeah. Of course it matters, because if you're going to give up your dream for this? Then yes."

Mia:" do you like the music I'm playing?"

Me:" yeah. I just think important that you do. Because if you don't, you're spending years on tour and for what? Music you hate?"

Mia:" what are you doing right now?"

Me:" what do you mean, what am I doing?"

Mia:" this is what you wanted me to do. And what? Now you don't?"

( this chapter has a lot in it, so I'm just gonna move the rest onto the next chapter)

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