One Bad Day

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Hello! New story just for fun, and this has been bugging me for years! Basically, five years ago I read a story where a man with horrible luck wishes on a star, and he gets the miracle he wished for. It was so brilliantly written and the story its self was so creative and they abandoned their story halfway through, then deleted their account leaving their story on a cliff hanger. It kinda sucked. So I'm adopting their story and this is it! I won't do it as well but hey, I'll try.

(Not my idea but I'm not totally plagiarizing)

Chapter One: One Bad Day

"Think of me often
Doubt me more
My hands, my bones, my body- shaking
But I'm not dust yet
It took me a while
To realize that
I might not ever
meet the people
who better my days
I look for hope
Like a piece of hay
In a needlestack
And I'm stuck with all the pins"


As I embark on my walk down the shell littered beach I began to loathe. My job, my girlfriend, my luck, my car, my phone, my life. When do I get some good luck? When?? I'm probably over reacting.


"Good morning baby," I rolled over and draped my arm over my girlfriend's hip and tucked it around her body

"I have work today," I noted regretfully. God I hate that place.

"Oh? Can't be helped I guess..." Alyssa attempted to mask the excitment in her voice, I wonder what she'll be doing today? I mentally grinned, planning a special night maybe?

I pecked the side of her neck quickly and hopped out of bed. Hopefully, hopefully, the day will go fast so I can get home to Alyssa.


I hate this job. I hate it I hate it I hate it! All I do is sit in my grey little cubicle and hit computer keys. I'm restless! I continued to type long numbers into my slow working box for another 10 minutes, until my boss, Mr. Billman, came barreling into the office.

"JACKSON. MYERS." Well fuck.

There was total silence among the grey cubicles. Everyone knew I was dead, I saw some heads around me pop up to see my puffy, red faced boss, raging at the door.

I stood from my rusty spring chair and tilted my head to the right and left, popped all my knuckles and stretched a bit. What do we have to do today? I slid the cream paper door with stains of barbecue sauce and other questionable stains open, I wonder why the ward is angry at me today? I walked through the rows of cubicles confidently. Although he was mean, he yelled at me everyday, one would get used to it. "Jackson you're going too slow! Jackson you look stupid today! Jackson blah blah blah blah blah." Shut up! No one would dare stand up to him except me. "My shingles is acting up Mr. Billman, you understand right? Why thank you Mr. Billman I can say the same to you!" So on and so forth.

"YOU Jackson-high-and-strong-Myers are is SO much trouble!" The short man screamed, I approached him cautiously and put my hands up to signal my surrender. "I haven't done anything?" I tried, but it seemed to infuriate the fat rat more. "Goh! You little- how would it feel not to have a job you little brat? Hm? How?" I practically felt the pity from my work mates radiating off their bodies.

"Uh... Bad." I said like it was obvious. "Well guess what? You just got this company sued! You're fired!" I got this rat sued? If anything can anger this man more than my face, it's losing money. He was making erratic hand flails and his face continued to redden until I thought he would pop. I know I was being fired, but...

"Y-ye S-Sirha.." I cleared my throat and attempted to kill any ambition of laughing at how he looked, and as soon as he realized my voice and body was shaking with silent laughter he simply got redder. I knew today wasn't one of our usual banters, I had never gotten him sued though... I guess if I'll never be back, my behavior towards him doesn't matter.

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