Chapter 26

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"Good morning. " 

You don't fully acknowledge Steve's words, that's until he places a plate down on the counter in front of you.

"Oh, hey. Good morning." He stops for a moment. You can already see the worry.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired. " He relaxes just a little.

"Did you have trouble sleeping?" He hands you a glass of orange juice and you blush. Although you and Loki didn't actually do anything, he did spend the night. This morning when you woke tangled in his arms, you didn't want to leave, but your stomach won the battle. He urged you to have breakfast as he left to get ready.

"I slept fine." 

You don't meet his eyes, praying he doesn't see the color on your cheeks. This development with Loki wasn't at all expected. But it feels strangely..right. Your focus shifts when the object of your affections comes strolling through the door.

"Good morning Loki." 

Your voice is steady, despite the elation that has taken over at the mere sight of him. You just saw him a couple minutes ago. He sends a smile your way.

"I love waking up next to you." 

You blink aggressively. Did he really just say that, right in front of Steve. You're about to defend yourself, but to your surprise, there's no change with the super soldier. It's almost like he didn't even hear.

Loki takes a seat right next to you, and Steve makes a stealthy escape. You barely notice, because you're still processing what you just heard.

"Are you alright?" 

His palm rests over yours on the counter. The warmth he emits causes you to immediately forget about your previous thoughts. You look over at him, and that small moment, the both of you just stare at each other. Loki's hand tightens on your own just a little.

"I want to kiss you."

Your eyes divert to his lips instantly. So taken that you don't recognize whatever that just happened again.

"Good morning love birds!!" Jumping, your pissed expression moves to Tony who's grinning.

"Hope I didn't interrupt anything."

You're seething, and Loki just chuckles.

"I suppose we should get used to that."

You hope not.

Since Tony pretty much cockblocked you, the day was spent just reviewing your health and relaxing. All in all, you felt fine. The only problem that you were dealing with at the moment was the lingering voice that pops into your head. Said voice only seemed to appear when Loki was around.

At some point you've gravitated into the television room. You're distracted by the show. That's until Loki strolls in.


You squint, and when he catches your stare he smiles. 

"Something wrong?" He inquires.

"I'm not sure I just..did you say something?"

"If I'm not wrong I just asked if you were doing okay."

"N-Not that, something else."

He's confused. "Are you sure you're doing okay?"

It's possible that you just need some air. 

"Y-Yeah. I think I'll just go lie down for a while. I'm a little tired. " You're already heading out, and Loki watches you leave.


He isn't an idiot, he can tell something is up, but he's patient. He doesn't want to push you. Hopefully you'll trust him enough to disclose what's been bothering you.

On your way to your room, you freeze for a second. Sam is chatting with Bucky in the hallway about something further ahead.

"I wonder if I.." 

You decide to give it a shot. Focus, you try your best to pull what you can from their heads.


Not a whisper, or mutter.

"This makes no sense."

You didn't imagine those words, or did you? What if this was a residual effect? Stressing yourself about it isn't going to make you relax. Now you know for sure a nap will be impossible. So why not go to the two people that have the most knowledge on this area.


"Oh honey you came for our advice how cute!" 


"Right right. Well your little problem is not impossible. Your father is a telepath and you were unconscious for a while. "

"I thought so, but I tried to use it again and it didn't work." Your mother rubs your arm. 

"Just give it time. All your other abilities didn't come straight off the bat. "

She's right. It took you quite a while to voluntarily summon your powers.

"(Y/N)." you tilt your head towards your dad.

"Loki, how is he?"

You smile. 

"He's fine. Same old sarcastic prince he's always been. "

There's an bit of guilt that's still present with your father. Loki risked his life to save you, and he's grateful.

"That's good to hear."

Elizabeth is smiling too. 

"So when do you plan to marry him?"


It's very clear that they'd never get tired of embarrassing you. 

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