Chapter 24

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"Are you mad!"

"Please Loki, if there was another way I would do it. You need to do this." He shakes his head, pulling away.

"I won't. I won't hurt you. Not again. Not ever!"

"Loki, I'll be alright. Trust me. I just need a jumpstart. You know as well as I do how strong fear is. How paralyzing it feels. Loki right now I'm scared, terrified. The only way to mitigate that, at least the only way I can think of is-"


You nod. "Exactly." He still stays at a distance.

"I'm not saying it won't hurt Loki, but I can't stay here. I'm so tired of running. From these powers, my hurt, pain, fear. I'm done being a coward. I want to live, Loki. " There's a refusal to look directly at you. You understand his conflict.

"But most importantly, I want a chance at love. With you Loki." He finally meets your eyes.

"Will you give me this chance to do that Loki?"

He would love nothing more.

"Can I have you Loki?" He smiles, despite it all.

"How very Loki of you to use my words against me. "

"Learned from the best."

In life, all you can do is learn from your mistakes. And Loki realizes that now. He'd spent too long chasing after power. He felt like if he were able to attain a throne, then it would fill whatever was missing in his life. Now as he stands here with you, no throne, or mighty power for him to obtain, because all he really wants is you.

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Thank you Loki." When you get closer, you reach for him. Your hand rests gently right at the center of his chest. You can feel the strumming of his heart. It's beginning to pick up, and you smile.

"Hurry up and save me, Frost Titan."

He laughs, right before the image of you fades out of his vision.


Loki jumps out of his seat. John gasps, and Elizabeth races to his side.

"Are you okay?" John looks over at your body, there's no change. That gaze moves to Loki, and John can feel his heart drop. He failed. They both did.

"What happened?"

"Brother are you alright?"

"Why isn't she awake?"

They all invade him with questions, and Loki ignores it all. He can't waste any time trying to explain. He also knows that if he were to do this, he can't take a chance of one of them getting in the way. Time is of the essence. He raises his hand, and they're all surrounded by metal bars. It's built right around your bed, keeping everyone else outside.Thor's eyes widened. John is stricken with confusion. None of them are now able to even approach.


He could deal with them later. Right now you are a priority.

Loki summons a blade to his hand and Elizabeth now dreads what's about to happen.

"What are you doing to my daughter!" She's about to lift her hand, but John grabs her, shaking his head.

"John he's.."

"I trust him."

At least someone does.

"Forgive me (Y/N)."

"Wait, what are you doing!" Tony isn't close enough to stop him. Closing his eyes, Loki raises the blade, plunging it into your thigh. Bruce, Thor, Natasha and Tony just stare.

Your eyes open immediately and the scream you let out makes Loki release the blade. It disappears the second his hand is no longer holding the hilt. He looks over at you with hesitation. You jerk upright, heart racing. Loki's isn't truly ready to look at you. Some part of him had pledged to never be the reason for any hurt, not after that day.

"Loki.." Your chest is still heaving, and both your parents are extremely relieved. John lets out the breath he's held. Elizabeth turns to hug her husband, and Loki finally lowers the bars.

Tony, the man of many words, has none at this time. Natasha shows nothing but relief. Bruce leans a hand on the wall, relaxing. They all thought that situation was taking a completely different turn.

Loki fully expects to see your wound covered in blood. But when he forces himself to look over, there's blood, but no longer a wound.

"It...healed on its own."

You grin. "The mind's..a hell of a thing." you say breathlessly.

He couldn't agree more.

"Welcome back, mortal."

"It's good to be back, Frost Titan."

The both of you exchange a smile and Tony speaks.

"I got nothing. Completely lost. "

You can't help it, you laugh, and pretty soon everyone is. 

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