Chapter 16

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The afternoon rolled around and they still hadn't gotten back yet. You couldn't stop thinking about it. Your mind always had a way of jumping to the worst case scenario. It wasn't like they were kids either, they could handle their own. All seemed fine until you heard Tony's panicked voice over a com.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. I need you to activate Mark IV, V and VI immediately. Send them to my coordinates!!"

"Right away Sir." 

Standing out of your spot on the couch, Loki rose too.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"No idea, but I don't like it. " You could hear what sounded like rockets taking off from the roof, most likely the suits he just requested.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. what's going on, are they in trouble."

"Negative. The Avengers are securing passengers away from the tsunami that has struck Los Angeles. Evacuation is in process. "

"Evacuation." This must have been bad then.

"Can you show me?"

"I've been instructed by Mr. Stark that all is well. Visuals are not necessary." You frown. So not only were they all out risking their lives, he was still treating you like some kid in the trauma ward.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tony asked you to assist me in any way you can, right?"


"Then show me what's going on, please." The somber sound of your tone must have struck some nerve, because the tv screen in that room turns on.

The headlines make your stomach churn. The reporter is in a helicopter, doing their best to get a visual.

"Chaos in LA."

It's bold at the bottom of the screen.

"I think, yes it is Tony Stark!!" 

The relief is clear on the woman's face. The camera zooms in, and you can see him holding up a pole that had almost fallen into the water where some civilians had been scrambling away the best they could. With all the debris they were holding unto sunk cars and broken trees.

"Mr. Stark, I apologize. Ms. Godfrey insisted."

Another screen pulls up, and there's an image of Tony's face. She'd pulled up his feed too.

"(Y/N)!" How's your day going, better than mine's I'm sure." He never misses an opportunity to throw in a quip or two.

"I'm glad you're okay Tony." He laughs.

"Can't get rid of me that easily."

You can only imagine that Wanda, Vision and the others are off somewhere around the area trying to do the same as Tony. Three other suits of armor appear, and they start lifting the people out of the water to more stable parts. You can feel yourself relaxing just a little. As bad as it was, they were handling it pretty well.

"They'll be okay."

You've been so taken in what's happening you sort of forgot about Loki. The destruction, it isn't new to him. Looking at the fear on those people's faces, he's ashamed. Not just of what his childish actions have done, but also the pain he caused. Before he'd only ever cared for himself and his goals.

A throne. That's what he'd been after since he was just a child. Now, his view has expanded. He never saw himself capable of caring for the wellbeing of others, much less midgardians. But he has, does. Seeing those scared people, he can't help but picture you, trapped under a building screaming for help because of what he'd done. That trauma that you carried around was all because of him.

The blaring red alarms pop up and you can see the way Tony eyes shift reading the warning.

"Tony, another wave is coming!!" Steve voices fills in over the com.

Once everyone is cleared out of the water, he drops the pole, turning around in the air.

"How long do we have?"

"Approximately three minutes before high current reaches beach pierre. Is there a plan of action sir?" Tony couldn't formulate one where he could save all the people below. As the wave got closer he could see the panic clear on their faces. They were already screaming for help. He was at the south side, Wanda at the East and Steve on the West. Steve and Natasha were working through Triage from the areas the water had already lowered to an extent.

How was he supposed to choose between who lived and died? He could hold maybe twelve people at most with his suits. There were at least thirty in this section alone.


Your scream made him bite down on his cheek. This was the part of his job he hated the most.

From your view of the screen, you could feel the terror of the situation build up. Some of these people weren't going to make it. The water was coming in fast, way more than Tony could handle.

Someone's sister, brother, husband or wife would not make it home.

This scene breathes a memory, one you'd tried so desperately to forget.

"Is anybody there! P-Please..HELP ME PLEASE!!! I'M DOWN HERE!!




"I'm down here..."


Loki could see the present change in your expression, as well as what was about to happen. He couldn't shield you from it. Neither could Tony.

"(Y/N), that's enough, turn it off." 

At least he could save you the horror of watching their deaths. You didn't respond, and for a brief moment he wondered if you were just in shock. But that wasn't it. Your head was lowered, and you were still standing upright, but you looked pretty much dead.

"(Y/N)!!" He grabbed either side of your shoulder frantically, but you didn't react, or budge. Your eyes were closed, but you were still breathing.


Tony's mutter confused him. Loki turned, astonished. You were on the screen. In Los Angeles, at the very pier.

Logically it made no sense. Your body was right in front of him. Then why were you in another state, hovering, maybe flying. He could see the familiar sapphire of your orbs.

"Are you getting this!!"

The news anchor was just as surprised, but the cameraman never stopped filming.

Raising your hands, the screams increased, and right before it could even get close, the water halted, as if blocked by a wall. Tony froze, unsure of what was real anymore. You were holding the current off. At least that's what he thought, but a loud rumble echoed throughout the air. He briefly thought Thor would appear, but that didn't happen, the water kept rushing forward, building up until it evaporated. All he heard was sizzling, smoke filling his vision. Clearly he wasn't the only one who didn't understand what happened right in front of him.

"Wave averted." F.R.I.D.A.Y. reported.

Your body that was once hovering off the ground was gone, the people below cheering.

The second your image disappeared off the screen, Loki looked back. Your eyes opened for a fleeting second and you smiled at him, right before your eyes rolled back and you collapsed. Loki grabbed your body, screaming for you, but no reply came.

Not one. 

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