Chapter Thirty-one - Coming out

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Dean one of my best friends is gay. As in likes boys. Although it doesn't bother me about Dean's sexuality at the same time it's hard for me to process this. Dean picks up chicks all the time. Does that mean he didn't actually do anything with them, just pretended? Dean will always be my friend but I am just trying not to say the wrong thing.

"Please say something," Dean says.

"It's cool," I say sounding like a geek.

"Your best friend is gay and it's cool?" Dean asks.

"No like I am completely fine with it, at the end of the day you are always going to be my friend and I don't give a shit who or what you love," I say.

I mean it. I am not one to judge anyone especially my best friend. Dean is still a great person and nothing has changed at all. Just because he is gay doesn't mean that our friendship changes, it might even grow stronger.

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Dean says.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did you know?" I ask.

"About three months ago" Dean says.

"It's a road to self discovery and as long as your happy" I say, "I will always stick by you"

"Is it too gay if we hug" Dean laughs.

"Of course not" I laugh.

I hug Dean. I feel a lot closer to him now. I am glad he has been extremely honest with me; surely it was a hard thing to do.

"Anyone else know?" I ask.

"You are the first" Dean replies.

I feel great knowing that I am the first. Sucked in Saxon I laugh to myself. I wonder what Saxon will actually say.

"When you going to tell Saxon?" I ask.

"I am going to message him now to come over," Dean says.

"While you do that I am going to call Riya," I Say.

I walk out the front of Dean's house because I don't want to disturb anyone in his house with my talking. I just want to make sure everything is all right at home because I left while there was a fight going on. I start ringing and get no answer. I just shrug it off I am sure things are fine. I'm going home soon just want to see how Saxon reacts to Dean's coming out news. I walk back into Dean's house followed by his bedroom and sit on his bed.

"I messaged Jacinta also to come over," Dean says.

"Two birds one stone" I laugh.

"Double the pressure" Dean says.

"You will be fine," I say.

Dean is such a good guy and everyone that has Dean or has had him in his or her life understands this. I could be dying and I know Dean would be there to do whatever he can to stop it from happening. Clearly he will always be an important of everyone's life so why would his sexuality change anything. I just hope Saxon isn't a dickhead about it, I think everyone knows he has a tendency to be one.

"At least now you can give me fashion tips" I joke.

"I haven't changed at all Tyler" Dean laughs.

We laugh together for an hour while we wait for Jacinta and Saxon. Finally they both rock up at the same time.

"Hey guys" Jacinta says.

Saxon just nods his head and smiles when he walks in. He looks extremely hung over. I just laugh to myself.

"Hung over Saxon?" I ask.

"Yes" Saxon mumbles.

We all just laugh and take the piss out of Saxon. Just like old times. I feel bad for Dean because although it's not really a big deal about his sexuality, it's an extremely hard thing for him to come out and say. I start to worry that Saxon won't be as accepting as what I have been.

"I asked you guys to come here because I want to tell you both something," Dean says.

"What could you possibly tell us Dean, that you're gay or something?" Saxon laughs.

"Well that's exactly what it is" Dean says.

Saxon's face just drops to the floor. He thought it was a joke and now that Dean has actually said he is gay Saxon feels awkward as. It's hilarious to see his face completely change.

"I am so happy for you Dean, and thank you for telling us" Jacinta says as she hugs Dean.

Saxon is standing there mute. I don't think he even knows what to say. After all this time our best friend telling us he is gay changes a lot of things but it shouldn't change our friendship between all of us. Saxon's face has changed he looks worried, awkward and scared. I start to worry that he won't accept Dean just as Jacinta and myself have.

"I am so proud of you" Saxon says.

We all are surprised that Saxon is so cool and casual about the whole thing. Saxon walks over to Dean and gives him a huge hug.

"Your such a big softie Saxon" Jacinta laughs.

"Shut up" Saxon laughs.

"I appreciate all the support guys" Dean says.

I am extremely happy that we have all accepted Dean the way he is. Nothing between us four will change; I hope that we stay friends forever because without them I would actually be nothing. I feel onto of the world. I feel that we can get through anything. I have been through a lot in the last few months but without these guys I don't think I would have been able to make it through.

"Diana cut herself because I wouldn't get back with her," I say.

"Holy shit is she all right?" Jacinta asks.

"She's fine but I should really visit her tomorrow" I say.

I feel my phone ringing. I pull it out of my pocket. It's Riya. I feel

"Hello?" I say.

"Tyler come home now," Riya screams.

"Why whats wrong?" I ask.

"Charlie just hit mum," Riya cries.

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