Chapter Fourteen - Crazyline

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The dance off has finished now and Jacinta, Dean and I are standing at the bar about to get another drink. Jacinta came first in the dance off which is a good start for her. The second part of the competition is in about half and hour. None of us know what it is yet but I am hoping to see Diana before then to get Jacinta the heads up.

“You were great” Dean says.

“I am sure you will win the prize money next week Jacinta” I say.

“It was pure luck” Jacinta laughs.

I can see Diana coming towards us with a smile on her face. She isn’t smiling at me though. She is smiling at Jacinta.

“Congratulations Jacinta on coming first in the first round” Diana smiles.

“Thank you so much” Jacinta replies.

Diana smiles and begins to walk away, I follow her.

“Diana” I yell.

Diana turns around but she doesn’t have an impressed look on her face. Have I done something to piss her off?

“Yes” Diana says, looks angry as all hell

“I have messaged you a bunch of times to meet up, didn’t you want to hang out and have a drink with me?” I ask.

“No not really” Diana replies.

“Why’s that?” I ask.

“Caroline told me that the night you saw me pick up my sister at the café you were actually supposed to go on a date with her, which you didn’t tell me” Diana replies.

Shit. What do I say now? I did go to the café to meet up with Caroline yes because at the time I did want too. I kissed Diana at the time because I also wanted to and I got the chance to meet her properly. I have no idea what I am going to say to get out of this one. But before I could even open my mouth to say anything Caroline comes up to where Diana and I are standing.

“Hey guys” Caroline says.

“You two have a good night,” Diana says as she walks off.

I can tell she is upset. There isn’t anything I could say or do to fix this. I want Diana I need to tell Caroline this. I look over at her she is smiling at me with full hope in her eyes. I can’t give up on Caroline without giving her a chance, and by the looks of things Diana isn’t even going to give me one.

“How has your night been?” Caroline asks.

“It’s been alright actually I am just standing chatting with Dean and my friend Jacinta, would you like to get a drink with them?” I ask.

“Sure that would be great” Caroline replies.

We walk over to where Dean and Jacinta are chatting at the bar about everything, which their favourite Harry Potter character is, what their favourite sport is and many deeper weirder questions. I bring Caroline over to them and the three of them start having a chat I tune out because I can’t stop thinking about Diana and how I could have possibly ruined a good thing. I understand that she is angry, but there isn’t much I could have possibly done because I didn’t even know Diana properly and that’s why I planned to meet Caroline that night at the café. I think Diana must feel second best and that isn’t the case it was perfect timing that she was at the café that night and Caroline wasn’t. I have to tell Diana this, it wasn’t planned that it happened like it was meant too.

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