Chapter Three - Never Talk To Strangers

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The music inside the club was so loud. I could barely even hear myself think anymore. I guess this is a good way to stop whatever is going on in my head and just let it all go for now at least. Notion actually plays good music and is broken up into three different areas. The upstairs which consists of old people belting out tunes like 'sweet home Alabama' or 'summer of 69'. Not that I don't like that type of music it's just when your out on a Saturday night I prefer new pop or dance tracks. The middle area which has mainly pop music which is always remixed into dance tracks which means that every type they play the chorus it breaks out into a huge dance track. Not exactly my favourite but nonetheless beats the upstairs by far. Finally there is the underground seating area. This is where majority of the horny young boys go to pick up older cougars. Very disturbing.

"Here we are boys lets have a wild night" Dean screams at the top of his lungs.

"I am totally keen for tonight!" I reply.

I mean sure I am keen, keen to go home crawl up in my bed and sleep for the next 100 years.

"Well let's go to the bar some drinks then find everyone else to meet us" Saxon insists as he is pushing both Dean and I towards the bar.

Saxon leans over the counter to talk to the bartender to order our drinks Dean turns and looks at me.

"What is wrong Tyler?" Dean Asks. "I have know you for a very very long time and I can tell when something is not right"

I look at Dean its really hard to not actually tell him what is going on. I tell both Dean and Saxon everything, so to not say anything is actually kill me right now.

"Ahh just work was a real bother today, the usual regulars pissed me off and it just gets to me sometimes" I say.

"As long as everything is good with you my main man then everything is good all round yeah" Dean replies.

"Lets go here you go boys" Saxon interrupts and shoves a drink in both of our faces. We both give Saxon a weird look and take the drink from him anyway.

"Cheers" Dean says

"Here's to my birthday"

The night has only just begun. People left right and centre that we went to school with that we work with or that we have just met going out every now and then.

A few hours later I start to get tired. Considering I am pretty much a lightweight and always want to go home early I decide to sit down for a minute. I check the time on my phone.

2:35AM. I sigh

I see Dean chatting up some girl in the corner having a laugh. I chuckle to myself and let out a big smile. Dean is always one to pick up girls. He's a good guy though. Never takes a girl home on the first night. Always get's their number first and takes them on a proper date. Well that is what he tells me anyways. I look behind where I am sitting and Saxon is talking to a group of girls trying to make jokes and be funny. They aren't buying it at all; they are simply just looking at him like he is delusional to even think that one of them would actually take the time to properly talk to him. I feel slightly bad for him but at the same time it helps me out by making me laugh. Considering what I saw today with my father I defiantly need a happy boost. Wish they just had tablets for that kind of thing. Come to think of it they actually do, but in thinking that I wouldn't actually take anything illegal I'm not that stupid.

I feel someone tapping me on my shoulder. I turn around and it's my really good friend Brooke. I get up and give her a huge hug because I haven't seen her in awhile. Brooke is an extremely pretty girl, short skinny with a great body shape. Her eyes are so blue that I swear to god it looks like the ocean could just pour right out of them. Although Brooke has a lot of great qualities in her we have never really had any connection whatsoever and I just see her as a friend, which either way is great.

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