Chapter Twenty - The End?

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I open my eyes and look around where am I? Oh right I am in the hospital. I look at the bed and Riya is awake watching the TV. How long was I out for? I stand up and walk towards the bed. Riya turns her head to me and smiles.

"Your awake" Riya says.

"I am and so are you" I say, "How's your head?"

"It's fine" Riya laughs, "Did you want to talk about everything?"

"I would like to first start with saying sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you it's just knowing that you slept with Saxon was hard for me to take" I say, "I would rather accept that and know that my sister is fine then not talk to you again and not know anything about your life"

"I want to apologize again Tyler, I honestly didn't mean for it to happen it was a silly mistake and will never happen again" Riya says.

"Let's just forget about it and move on," I say.

"I would love that," Riya says.

"I think we should be opened and honest with each other about everything" I say.

"I agree with you" Riya says.

We start talking about Diana and how she makes me feel. Riya tells me about everything that is happening at work. I explain what else Saxon has done including doing stuff with Caroline and Brooke. Riya gets angry about how much of a shit friend Saxon has been. I am dreading bring up Charlie. I feel that we need to speak about it now, because if it doesn't happen now we might just let it go. But I just cant.

"So we both know about Charlie cheating on mum," I say.

"I know, I was hoping we could talk about this" Riya says.

"We need to tell mum that I saw him with that lady from work, and I need you to back me up one hundred percent" I say.

Riya looks like she is scared. Scared of Charlie perhaps? It doesn't matter we are going to reveal the truth to her she doesn't deserve this. I want her to have the world. Not a half assed man that just cheats on her behind her back yet acts like he is the perfect husband. Riya looks up at me with hope in her eyes.

"I will support you all the way," Riya says.

I am ready to tell all. I feel like I should release a tell all book to the world. Hopefully it would become a best seller. I laugh to myself. Charlie is going to get what is coming for him. I feel relieved. Riya is fine and will be all good very soon. Diana is happy and wants to continue seeing me. I have the best friends in the world; Dean and Jacinta. Everything is going great.

Two few weeks later

I have been seeing Diana every second day for the last two weeks. Riya is fine and has gone back to work. I still haven't spoken to Saxon and I don't plan on it. I haven't had the courage to tell Miranda about Charlie and either has Riya so we are just waiting until the time is right to do so. It's Saturday morning and I have plans to meet up for lunch with Diana I am extremely excited. I want to spend more time with her and take her places she has never been before and do spontaneous little adventure dates. I want to give Diana all of me. I am ready to be with her. I am lying in my bed I have about ten minutes before I have to get ready. I pick up my phone and message Jacinta and Dean to see if they want to head out tonight. I look out the window and smile. Everything is going to be great I think. I head out the front door and hear yelling. I am shocked to see Brooke and Saxon on my front lawn arguing about god knows what.

"You could have told me you were with her, your just a player you make me sick" Brooke yells.

"What the hell do you two think you are doing here?" I ask.

"Tyler I miss you please talk to me I need to explain I am sorry" Saxon says.

Wow settle down the two of them are screaming at each other. My mind is still trying to process what is going on.

"I can't talk about this right now I have lunch with Diana" I say.

I walk towards my car and hop in the driver's side. Saxon slides in the back seat and Brooke slides in the other side. Brooke is yelling at Saxon and he is yelling back.

"Get out of my car you two I have to go now I am already late now," I say.

"I am not getting out of the car until you listen to me, I brought Brooke here so we could all talk about how I have been a dick lately"

I turn on the car. I am prepared to drive to lunch with them in the car I could not care less.

"You have thirty seconds to get out of the car or I am just driving" I say.

"Looks like we are coming with you" Saxon says.

"Fine" I yell.

I pull out of the driveway with Saxon and Brooke in the car. They continue to fight and scream at each other. I am driving a little bit faster than the speed limit because I am running late and with them fighting in the back seat I am getting angry.

"You two need to shut up" I yell, "I am sick to death of you two fighting, Brooke he doesn't want to be with you he doesn't want to be with any girl he just uses them. The sooner you understand this the better for both of you"

Brooke sits back in the chair with her arms crossed like a sook. Saxon starts crying.

"I didn't know you thought of me like that, I thought we were best friends Tyler" Saxon says.

"We were best friends until you did what you did Saxon and I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive you" I say.

"I like Caroline I swear it Tyler, you need to understand that" Saxon says.

"I don't care who or what you like," I say.

Brooke takes off her seatbelt and starts slapping Saxon in the face. She is fully attacking him. I reach my hand back to grab her off him because she is being a complete idiot. Saxon pushes her towards the front of the car next to me and I pull her towards me. Brooke's elbow hits me in the face and then the wheel. The car swerves off the road. We are heading towards a tree really fast. I try to control the car and slam the breaks but I think I am too late.

I close my eyes with fear. Is the end?

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