Chapter Twenty-Nine - Say What?

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I drive Jacinta and Dean around for an hour. We sing all the songs that love, sounding terrible but we still think we sound better than the actual artist. Truth is we aren't even close to good except Jacinta she's quite a good singer, Dean on the other hand sounds a mono-toned clown on drugs. It's really funny. I keep playing scenarios through my head of what happened to my house. I am just assuming that it was Charlie that did all the damage, I'm really worried about mum too I just want to talk to her. I finally arrive home and Dean, Jacinta and myself jump out of the car.

"Thanks for everything tonight guys" I say, "I appreciate everything"

"Always here for you Tyler" Jacinta says.

"Anything for you man" Dean says.

They are the best friends in the world. I have so much to thank them for and no matter what has happened the last few months they have been there for me.

After I say goodbye to Dean and Jacinta I head inside to our newly cleaned house. I walk inside and it is dead silent and dark. I cautiously walk to my room because I don't want to wake Riya or Mum up. I didn't see Charlie's car out the front of the house so I am assuming he isn't home, which is good because I don't want to see him. Thinking of his face makes me feel sick and I want to throw up, but at the same time I want to see him because I want to give him a serving of my mind. I lie in bed mind won't stop but I feel myself dozing off.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of the birds chirping extremely loud this morning, so inconsiderate. I head to the kitchen cause I am starving I feel like I could eat a buffet of food followed by every single desert McDonald's sell. I walk in to the kitchen and see Riya and mum. I sit down on the table next to them.

"Good morning" I say.

"Good morning Tyler" Miranda says.

"Yo" Riya mumbles.

"So can you please tell me what happened last night mum?" I say.

"I am so sorry I was just in complete shock last night, I confronted your father last night about him and Debbie" Miranda says, "He went around and smashed things up in the house when I told him what you saw"

"Did you tell him that Riya told you and I didn't?" I ask.

"I couldn't he had already flipped a table and smashed some things by the time I said the first sentence of him and Debbie" Miranda says.

Great, so Charlie is most likely going to assume that I told mum and he wants to kick my ass. I actually hope that he wants to fight, the way I feel about him right now I would love to smack his smug face. I actually have no idea where he would have gone; this house is the only home he has.

"I hope everything works out mum, you deserve better," I say.

"It's not as easy as that Tyler when you love someone it's hard to let them go" Miranda says.

When you love someone it's hard to let him or her go. I see where mum is coming from; her and Charlie have been together for years so it would be hard for her to let go. That's why it was a lot easier for me to let Diana go because I didn't love her and we hadn't spent a lot of time together, That I am thankful for I got to stop it before it went too far. I look in my mum's hurt eyes. I would hate to be in her place, I think in her mind she loves Charlie and wants to stay with him but at the same time I think she wants to leave him and move on with her life.

"It is easy" Riya says, "Just tell him where to go"

"Riya stop I know you are angry but you need to be calm," Miranda says.

"I will be calm once he is out of my life" Riya says.

"I agree with you for once" I laugh.

"Where is he?" Riya asks.

"I have no idea where he is and at the moment I am too angry to care" Miranda says.

It's good to see mum angry. She is always so placid and just goes with the flow, I hope she sticks up for what she believes in. My mum is a good woman and she deserves to be happy. Charlie might have made her happy before but he has changed over the years. I can't remember the last time that Charlie actually took me to the movies or threw a ball at the park with me. Charlie isn't father material and unfortunately he never will be, Riya and I just got unlucky to have such a shit parent. Thankfully mum has pulled us together and raised us our whole life.

"I hope everything works out we have each other anyways" I say.

"How was Brooke's leaving party?" Miranda asks.

"It was great until Caroline caused a fight with Saxon and Brooke cause she's a bitch" I say, "Then Diana through a tantrum and basically we broke up"

"Are you alright?" Riya asks.

"I am fine it was my decision," I say.

"It's a long story and it's pretty boring but Diana will no longer be around" I say.

"Good cause I didn't like her" Riya laughs.

We continue talking about other random things. We laugh, we cry and laugh some more. I hear the front door slam and spin my head around.

"Hello" Charlie yells.

Why the hell is he here. I exchange a look of disgust with Riya and we both roll our eyes. Charlie walks into the kitchen where we are sitting. I feel an instant bug in stomach and I feel sick. I want to leave the room but it would be too obvious. As much as I hate Charlie I am not going to react until I know what mum wants me to do.

"Hi" I say.

Riya and mum don't say anything at all. It worries me because I am leader of the Charlie hate club and I am the only one that responded to him.

"How are you all?" Charlie asks.

"We are fine, where have you been?" Miranda asks.

"I was at a friend's house" Charlie says.

"Debbie's house?" Miranda asks.

I laugh on the inside because I can't wait to see what Charlie comes up with. Will he get angry? Will he ignore it?

"No I wasn't there," Charlie says with anger.

"I'm going before I say something I shouldn't" Riya says.

Riya stands up off her chair and leaves the room. Phew. Riya might start a fight with Charlie and I don't think that Riya deserves to get worked up over Charlie. Funnily enough Charlie doesn't react to what Riya says. She is Charlie's favourite anyways.

"What friend then?" Miranda asks.

"It doesn't matter?" Charlie says.

"Something else to hide?" Miranda asks.

Holy shit this is awkward. As much as I want to beat the living shit out of Charlie right now is not the time, also I think he will actually beat me up. My phone vibrates in my pocket. It's Dean. Thankfully he called at the right time. I leave the room while they are chatting. I walk out the front door and answer my phone.

"Hey Dean what's up?" I ask.

I hear crying coming from Dean's end. I start to panic, because Dean is never upset.

"Dean what's wrong?" I ask.

"I have..." Dean says, "I have something to tell you"

I start to worry. It seems everyone has something to tell me and it isn't good.

"What is it?" I ask.

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