Chapter Twenty-One - Friends Forever

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I hear a thud and a crash. My head smashes into the steering wheel. That’s going to bruise like hell. I open my eyes I see smoke coming from the engine of my car. I immediately take off my seatbelt. I jump out of the car and look at the front of my car. I have smashed into a tree. I open the back seat of the car and see Brooke all crumpled. She is so lucky she didn’t go flying out of the car, she is knocked out I pull her out of the car and drag her on the floor and lay her down. I jump back up and race to the car and tap Saxon on the side of the face to wake him up. He wakes up straight away I undo his seatbelt and pull him away from the car near where Brooke is. I am sitting on the ground next to Brooke and Saxon. I call an ambulance because Brooke hasn’t woken up and I am worried. I am happy to know that all three of us are out fine, and we don’t have any external injures. I am stressed out because what the hell am I going to do for a car now. What is my mother going to say? Now we have to take Brooke to the hospital, I feel like I have just left the hospital. It wasn’t that long that I was there for Riya. All these things that have happened in the last six months really drained me. All I want to do is see Diana. I need her more now than anything. I just hope she can make this whole thing better.

“If you two weren’t fighting this wouldn’t have happened” I say.

“I am so sorry Tyler I didn’t mean for any of this to happen” Saxon says.

“I don’t care I am so sick of being a pushover and giving in to everyone” I say.

“You aren’t a push over Tyler” Saxon says.

I stand up because I am angry as all hell.

“I am not a pushover, Saxon you have done nothing but walk over me for as long as I have known you and now I am sick to death of putting up with your shit,” I say.

“I just wanted to work things out” Saxon says.

“That’s great that you wanted to work things out but instead of easing into it, you bring Brooke to my house cause a scene in my car and cause this” I yell.

“If you just spoke to us” Saxon starts to say.

“Don’t you dare put this on me” I yell, “You had no right to even show up out the front of my house”

I start to pace myself because I am getting angrier and angrier. Saxon is just making me mad. I want to hurt him the way he has hurt me and everyone else around him, but that doesn’t make me a better person at all. Scoops me down to his level. I am always the first one to admit that I am wrong when I am. The first to back up anyone that is being bullied. I am always the first friend to be there when someone needs something. I have always been there for Saxon no matter what it’s only recently I haven’t been there for him after everything he did with Caroline and Riya. I have forgiven Riya because she is my sister. But how can I forgive Saxon?

“I’m not putting it on you I am just saying if you actually spoke to me this would have never happen, it is more my fault than anything and I know this Tyler and I want to make up for everything” Saxon says.

I stop and stare at Saxon and think about everything he has done. How does he expect to make it up to me? What does he think he can do? I am thinking nothing. Knowing Saxon I am sure he has a few tricks up his sleeve to win back my friendship.

“I just want you to know that you are my best friend and I will do whatever it takes to make that right again” Saxon says.

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