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"are you ready?" jeno asked, truing around to face his friends.

they had gone out of the plane and had been taken at the top of mount olympus, where the gods were supposed to be. they were now standing in front of the huge and heavy doors leading to the large room in which the twelve olympians were.

"let's go." renjun declared, and so, jeno pushed the doors open, allowing the ten boys to enter the giant room.

"welcome here boys!" a voice said as the demigods all took slow steps towards the twelve gods seated in beautiful thrones – there was also a 13th god in the room, seated on a plastic garden chair. "we all need to have a talk."

the ten demigods bowed low as the faced the twelve olympian gods – plus hades.

they felt minuscule standing in this huge room, so close to the most powerful beings of the universe, and at the same time, the people that had given birth to them.

"boys, we need to thank you for what you have done. it was very brave of you to defend your own blood and risking your life. we are all so proud of you and what you did." the god standing in the centre spoke. jeno recognized his father immediately. "we wanted to congratulate you."

"thank you, your majesty." renjun took the initiative to speak and bow again.

"thank you." all the other demigods imitated the wise one.

"your bravery and devotion will always be recognized by us." zeus continued. "and jeno..."

the so-called male stood up straight, looking at his father in the eye.

he felt nervous, standing in front of him. it was as if he had become the centre of the attention.

"i am proud of you, son." zeus said with a smile. "you proved me that you were worth being my son. i know i may not have been there for you as much as you wanted me to be, but know that i love you, and that i am very proud of what you managed to become. i don't regret asking you to take care of donghyuck, because you did it perfectly."

jeno gulped, smiling at his father. "t-thank you, dad." he told. "i love you too."

zeus flashed a smile to his son as well before facing the other gods. "don't hesitate if you guys have some things to tell your children."

hermes was the first one to speak.

"you did wonderful chenle. congratulations son, i'm proud of you." he stated. "i was sure you would be able to communicate anywhere. and also steal as well as i do."

"thanks dad." chenle smiled.

"yangyang." arthemis spoke. "you were amazing out there. you proved me you could be one with nature. i never doubted your abilities, and i was right to do so. congratulations, son."

yangyang's cheeks coloured crimson at his mother's words. "thank you, mom." he said, making her smile and nod her head.

"same for you, xiaojun." hephaestus spoke next. "i'm proud of you. and your mother would be too. don't hesitate to come at my forge one day. i'd love to spend some time in your company."

"i will, dad." xiaojun nodded proudly.

"jisung, i need to thank you with all my heart." poseidon continued. "not only did you keep your friends safe and helped them during your journey, but you also saved your mother's life. i am very thankful of you for taking care of her, and preventing the others to hurt her. we are proud of you jisung."

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