Ω prologue Ω

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"zeus." a voice disturbed the king of the gods.

"what do you need, hermes?"

"i'm here to deliver a message." the messenger replied.

"go on. i have things to do."

hermes coughed a bit.

"the child is born."

"pardon?" zeus rose to his feet. "i told her to abort."

"well... she didn't listen. she had the child. he was born this morning."

"i'm going to kill them both. i had warned them." he groaned, thunder resonating above their heads.

"can i do something for you?" hermes asked.

"yes. call all the olympians. i want them here the quickest possible. hades as well. i need to have a word with him."

hermes smiled. "as if it was done."


"so... i learned that despite my counter-orders, the child was born." zeus spoke, walking around the room, the eyes of the twelve other gods focused on him – well, eleven; hades seemed distracted.

"why am i not invited more often?" he asked. "your little meetings seem very fun to participate in."

zeus rubbed his temples, trying to keep his cool.

"and why do you all have beautiful golden seats while i was given a plastic garden chair?" he continued.

"hades. shut the fuck up before i send you back to the underworld." zeus growled. "this is an important meeting. you're here because we needed you as well. but we can just replace you by someone else if you feel like you're not enough."

"no, it's okay, it's okay." hades shook his head. "please continue, your majesty. i won't bother you again." he mocked his brother.

zeus ignored him as he started talking again.

"as i was saying, i am very angry with you for not listening to my orders."

"you can't ask a woman to abort like that!" aphrodite rose to her feet, the pans of her red dress falling on the floor nicely.

"i can do whatever i want."

"i wanted to have that child." she raised her voice. "you can't forbid me to have one when most of you already have children. this is my first son!"

"i didn't forbid you to have a child. i told you that you could have him with a mortal. as far as i am concerned, apollo is nowhere near a mortal." zeus sighed.

"and what if we decided having a child? did any of us complain after any of your love conquests?" apollo entered the fight as well.

"half of you wouldn't be here right now if i hadn't had those adventures! and you first, apollo."

the god of sun sulked back into his seat.

"anyway. it's too late now. the child was born. because of him, all of us are threatened." zeus explained.

"nobody knows about him." aphrodite sat back elegantly.

"don't underestimate them. they're some vicious creatures... hades!"

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