Can't Be

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Third Person POV

"NO!" Kara screamed before slamming the laptop shut. She accidentally broke it and started to freak out.

"Kara! Calm down.." Alex said.

"NO! THAT CAN'T BE ME!" Kara screeched before covering her face with a pillow. Lena was in tears but she eventually said something.

"I have to go. This is too much.. I need to get Nova and Maya." Lena said, rushing out of the door and into her car. When she sat down she started sobbing.

"It can never be easy with her, can it? Everything goes to shit the moment it feels better." She said before turning her key and starting the car up. She drove to Midvale which took a few hours.

Once she arrived she took a deep breath and wiped her tears. She walked to the front door and started to knock. The door opened soon after.

"Lena!" Nova said backing up a few steps to allow Lena to enter the house. "Are you alright?"

"No. Where is Maya?" Lena said.

"She's taking a nap.." Nova said. She was a bit confused but figured Lena would explain soon.

"Good. I need to tell you and Eliza something. Where is she?" Lena asked. She looked over at the kitchen and saw Eliza. "Nevermind." She said, walking to the kitchen with Nova close behind.

"Lena! I thought you and Kara weren't coming for a few days?" Eliza said as she gave me a big hug.

"It's about Kara.. She.." Lena took a deep breath. "She lost all of her memories after the age of 13. She doesn't remember Krypton exploding.." A few tears rolled down Lena's cheek as she talked.

"Oh shit!" Nova said.

  "I'll get Maya. We are going to National City with you." Eliza said, walking off to go grab the young girl.

  Lena started crying into her hands and sat down at the table. Nova walked over and placed her hand on Lenas shoulder.

  "Shh. Lena it's going to be alright. We will get her back."

  "I feel like anytime me and her are in a good place again everything falls apart. I just want to be happy. I want her to be happy." Lena said.

  "I know.. I know.." Nova said, sitting down next to her.

  "Maybe it's the universe saying that we aren't meant to be?" Lena said in between deep breaths.

  "Don't think like that, Lena. It's just something that comes with her being a hero. It's always going to have some risk."

  "What if I don't want that risk? What if its not worth it anymore?" Lena said, looking at Nova.


"No! I don't know its worth it at this point. How would Maya feel if she knew her mom didn't know who she was anymore? I would rather have Maya think that her mom isn't in the picture anymore." Lena said.

"And what if Kara dies? It could happen literally any day! Then I would have to tell Maya that her mom died!" Lena said.

"Lena.. Listen to me for a minute. Tell me why you love her. Why do you love Kara?"

"I.. I love her smile. Her voice. The way she would sacrifice everything for others. I love the way she protects me. The way she draws me a bath and feeds me when I had a bad day." Lena said. She started smiling but tears still ran down her cheek.

"Is keeping all of that worth the risk?" Nova asked.

"I don't know.."

Eliza walked downstairs, holding Maya's hand which still had the red sun bracelet on. Maya noticed Lena fairly quickly and Lena wiped her tears.

"MOMMY!" Maya said, breaking free on Eliza's grip on her hand and running over to Lena.

"Hi baby!" Lena said bending down and giving Maya a kiss on the forehead. "How was your stay and grandma's house?" She asked

"It was amazing!" Maya replied with a cheeky smile.

Eliza packed the suitcases into the car and they drove off.

Once they arrived at National City, Lena dropped Maya off at her office and asked Jess to take care of her. Then Lena, Nova, and Eliza headed to the DEO.

  They entered to building together and made there way to the room Kara was in. Nova rushed to her sisters side but Kara started freaking out.

  "AH! WHO ARE YOU?" She yelled. Nova stepped back and slightly tilted her head. She was took back by her sisters words.

  "She doesn't remember you, Nova.." J'onn said as he walked into the room.

  "Right. Sorry." She mumbled before sitting down on one of the chairs.

  "Kara, hunny. I know you don't remember me or anyone here.. but you are safe. We are going to take care of you." Eliza said, approaching Kara slowly. That seemed to calm Kara down a bit as her breathing started to steady once again.

  "Where's my mom?" Kara asked the older lady.

  "You're mother is gone sweetie. Shes with Rao now." Eliza said feeling slightly proud that she had remembered a bit about her religion. Kara slightly gasped.

  "Oh.. Ok.." She said quietly, holding back tears. Suddenly her eyes slammed shut and she gasped loudly.

  "Do you remember anything, hunny?" Eliza asked.

   "I remember space now. I remember the explosion." Kara said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "They are really gone.." she mumbled to herself.

  Eliza walked over to Lena and grabbed her hand. Lena followed Eliza as she made her way out of the room.

  "She needs reminders of her time on Earth. Ones that she would always remember. We should bring Clark here." Eliza said.

  "Right.. That's a good idea." Lena said, grabbing her phone from her pocket and dialing his number. He picked up rather quickly and she explained what had happened. Within a few minutes, Clark had arrived at the DEO and rushed to Lena's side.

  "Where is she?" He asked. Lena started to walk to the room Kara was in. Once they entered the room Kara gasped once more. Clark/Kal-El walked over to his cousins side and she pointed at the symbol on his shirt.

  "Where did you get that?" She said, examining the symbol.

  "Kara.. It's me Kal-El." He said. Kara's eyes grew wide and her eyes slammed shut once more. This time she started to scream. Her eyes flung open again and she muttered something to herself.

  "What did you say?" Kal-El asked.

  "Midvale.. Midvale.." She kept repeating. Kara began to look around and saw Eliza and Alex who were holding each others hand.

  "Alex.. Alex.." She said. "I remember you Alex."

  Alex smiled and walked towards her sister. "Do you remember anyone else?" She asked.

  "Eliza.. I remember Eliza.." She said.

  "What about Lena?" Alex asked, glancing over at Lena who was biting her fingernails.

  "No." Kara said. "Who is Lena?"

  Lena's heart sank when she heard Kara say that. She remained calm and sat there, knowing that is wasn't Kara's fault that she didn't remember.

'Why does she not remember' The brunette thought to herself.

'Am I not as important to her as she is to me?'

Word Count: 1193

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