4- Kitty

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No response.

"Michael if you don't get your lazy ass up then I won't drive you to school."

"Then I'll cry, you don't want me to cry do you?"

The now 19 year old blonde chuckled, leaning against the door frame to his 17 year old best friends bedroom. It wasn't a secret that Michael was sensitive and cried.. a lot, quite frankly the now red haired boy used it to his advantage.

"You're such a little shi-"

"Would you Lucas, would you really say that about me?" Michael mumbled into his pillow, cuddling further into the sheets. Luke groaned and went up the him, grabbing the pillow Michael was laying on before yanking it from underneath him.

In the process, the blonde managed to knock over the lamp, Michaels retainer case, the glass of water, and the phone resting on the side table.

Michael looked up quickly, darting his eyes at the fallen items before looking at the blonde furiously.

"Dude- what the fuck!"

The blonde only had a lazy smirk grazing his pretty lips, watching the small boy get all riled up.

"Language Michael."

"I don't fucking car-"


The red haired boy just blushed brightly before face planting into his warm mattress. He liked it here, why wouldn't Luke let him stay. Of course there was the fact that Michael had school in literally 15 minutes and Luke was so gracious to drive him, even after graduating.

The blonde started going through the younger boys closet, fingers tracing all the clothes before picking out a hoodie and a pair of black ripped jeans.

Michael was now sitting up on the bed, rubbing at his eyes with his fists and Luke couldn't help but coo. That's his kitten, making the same face he first made when Luke startled him all those years ago.

"Lu I wanna wear a band shirt."

"Babe it's cold today, I would advise the hoodie."

Michael had a soft blush coating his cheeks. Ever since Luke turned into this cocky teenager who went out almost every night and hooked up with god knows who, he's been calling Michael some very intimate names.

He of course, didn't mind since he knew Luke didn't mean it in that way but it always caught him off guard.

"But Luke-"


The two stared at eachother.

The silence was deafening and Luke knew the younger boy would surrender in order to prevent his tears from falling. That's just the way Michael was, he started learning his limits.

The red haired boy huffed and crossed his arms, trying to act more angry then he actually was.

"Fine, hand it over."

The blonde only smiles triumphantly, moving to stand in front of the smaller boy. The way Michael looked up at him made his heart beat so much faster, and he didn't understand why.

Well he did, he's known since the first and last time he kissed Michael, it's been taunting him.

"Arms up, kitty."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

He only smirked again, shrugging before making a point with his eyes to get Michaels arms lifted.

The red haired boy lifted his arms, letting Luke situate him into his hoodie. It was warm, smelt like Luke. He liked Luke.

Michael got up and walked to his closet, pulling out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and some converse. He believed he was living in the epitome of fashion. Luke called him ridiculous but his mommy called him handsome.

The blonde grabbed his keys before making his way downstairs, grabbing a pack of pop tarts before throwing it at a disoriented Michael who was running down the stairs.

"See, if only you got up on time baby, then this wouldn't have been a problem."

"Shut up Luke."

"Language kitty."

And with that, the two began their drive to school with minds hazed with thoughts, some thoughts not welcomed but still present.

Luke was thinking about Michael, he always was. He knew they were the bestest of friends but then they kissed. It meant nothing but at the same time, it meant everything. Taunting words and ideas popped into his mind, wanting nothing more than to claim the smaller boy as his own.

He could protect him, he knew how to calm him down, he knew everything there was to the red haired boy who claims he's 100% pop punk.

As Luke grew older, the thoughts morphed into hormonal teenage emotions, one of which being the thought of having Michael pinned down, mewling with pleasure.

He really was his little kitten.

AND then there were the nicknames. Luke calls everyone babe and nicknames most would find quite intimate, but he reserved the prettiest ones for Michael.

Baby, kitty, kitten, beautiful, angel, were all names Luke associated with Michael. He saw the soft blush coating the red haired boys cheeks, he saw the way the younger boy would shift around.

Everything fueled the fire when Luke wanted nothing more than to put it out. It was a travesty if you asked him.

That's why he partied to get away from it, he went out with his college friends and slept with pretty girls and even some guys. He'd drink his weekends away and a lot of those times, he had plans with Michael.

He ditched Michael to get drunk.
He ditched Michael to get laid.
He ditched Michael because it felt good.

This, was a travesty, once again Luke thought. He shouldn't have to feel this way, that kid is his bestfriend for crying out loud. They've done absolutely everything together.

So why does it feel so good to be away from him, doing big boy stuff rather than comforting his kitty?

But why does it feel so good making the younger boy blush and squirm in his seat.

The blondes grip tightened on the steering wheel as he internally groaned. Maybe it was the fact that Michael would easily forgive him when he would forget about him, maybe it's knowing that he was a lot of Michaels firsts and the thought of being a certain first fed into his want for power.

It was getting ridiculous and Luke really needed to get his shit sorted, not only for him but for Michael. Even when he would totally forget about the younger boy, Michael wouldn't forget about Luke.

He would stay up so late with the high hopes of Luke showing up at his door, claiming he accidentally fell asleep.

Most of those nights included crying himself to sleep, because it's what Michael was good at.

It was a silent battle between the two, but they were okay, right? They were okay.

While Luke's intentions were being questioned internally, Michael was thinking about how god damn good this pop-tart was.

poor michael :-((((

anyways, ITS MICHAELS BIRTHDAY WOOP WOOP! totally a sign to leave a comment and a vote on this chapter ;)

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