18 - Night Shift

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Saying things resumed to normal would be a complete lie.

Luke hasn't come by Michaels place ever since he slept over after the incident. It reminded the younger man of the time at the party, Lukes 20th. He was sure the blonde was going to leave him behind.

But he didn't, he was still holding onto hope.

Michael has decided to distract himself with none other than work. It was a little over a day ago that he realized he was behind on bills, and he didn't have enough to pay them this month.

He started picking up extra shifts at the cafe, wanting the distraction but needing the cash. It was bittersweet, this whole situation was.

Michael yawned as he wiped down the countertop of any coffee residue left behind. His apron was wrinkled and his once beautiful bright green eyes just held exhaustion.

Nonstop work from early morning to.. early morning was definitely weighing down on the man, and no amount of coffee from the pots at the back would do anything to help him.

"You closing up, mate?" Michaels coworker question, bag slung over his broad shoulder. The shorter man only nodded, tossing the dirty rag into the sink.

"Yea, I took the shift from Lexie."

His coworker squinted his eyes slightly, taking in Michaels very disheveled appearance.

"Mike, do you really think picking up all these shifts is.. ya know.. good for you?" he questioned, trying to keep his tone light and airy incase his very exhausted coworker would rather drop the topic.

But alas, the man smiled back a sad excuse of a smile, shurgging his dainty shoulders. "Gotta do what you gotta do to make ends meet, am I right?"

A look of sympathy was only returned.

Michael hated sympathy.

"Yea, I guess you're right. Just.. go easy on the coffee, I heard if you drink too much it could burn a hole through your stomach!" he informed, making his way out of the cafe.

The bleached blonde could only snort, shaking his head as he went back to cleaning some of the appliances.

It was a Wednesday night, he had to get ready for the usual 3am rush after the casinos poker game next door.

He did have to admit though, his head felt fuzzy and light and his body felt like it was in another dimension. Surely this wasn't healthy anymore.

Michael made sure to take his name off for any shifts tomorrow, feeling as if he deserved that much.

Just as he was scribbling his name off the schedule, the soft chimes of bells rung inside the empty cafe. His eyes darted up as he took in the apperance of a very familiar woman.

It was the woman from the store.

His eyes squinted in confusion as he felt a shiver run down his spine as they made eye contact. He decided now would be a good time to get his ass back to the register.

"Good.. morning? Evening- er.. night? Welcome to cookie cutter cafe, what can I get for you?"

She hummed, those same plump lips lined in dark lipstick. It was odd to Michael how someone could look so flawless at this time in the night.

"I'll just get an iced black coffee, love." She replied. Her voice was smooth like honey and her card rested a little too comfortably between her slim fingers.

Michael was quick to nod and ring her up, moving to the side to complete her order. His stressed eased as he thought the woman didn't remmeber him, maybe she did just want to buy a coffee at this incredibly ungodly time.

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